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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

‘…survival training is a vital element of all aircrew knowledge. Just because modern aircraft are more reliable than their predecessors, the need for such training does not diminish’ [Civil Aviation Training]
survival beacon /s.va.v(.)l bik.n/ noun a beacon which transmits a signal which enables search aircraft to locate survivors in the water . VHF and/or UHF survival beacons are car-ried on all jet transports.
survivor /s.va.v./ noun a person who continues to live after an accident
. Whilst awaiting rescue on land or at sea, survivors should avoid exposure and conserve energy. . The aircraft crashed into the sea and there were no survivors.
susceptible /s.sept.b(.)l/ adjective
prone to, likely to be affected by . A rough surface is more susceptible to fatigue cracking than a smooth one, and for this reason highly stressed members are often polished.

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suspect adjective /sspekt/ refer-
ring to something believed to be caus-ing problems . The magnetic flaw detection technique is to induce a mag-netic field in the suspect part and then to brush over it an ink containing a magnetic powder. . verb /s.spekt/ to believe to be the case . If fuel contami-nation by water is suspected, a sample of fuel should be drained from the tank for inspection.
suspend /s.spend/ verb 1. to hang freely from a point . When it is freely suspended, a magnet will turn until one pole is towards the Earth’s magnetic north pole. 2. to float freely in the air or in a liquid . The weather associated with visibility reductions by particles suspended in the atmosphere is classi-fied as fog, mist, haze or smoke.
suspension /s.spen..n/ noun 1.
the act of state of hanging freely from a point 2. the dispersion of particles in a liquid or gas . If a sample of fuel taken from a tank is hazy or cloudy in appear-ance, this indicates the presence of water in suspension.
sustain /s.ste.n/ verb 1. to continue, to maintain . For sustained supersonic flight, some measure of tank insulation is necessary to reduce the effect of kinetic heating. 2. to receive, experi-ence or suffer . The aircraft sustained major damage in the crash. . The pilot sustained minor injuries.
sweep /swip/ verb to move across quickly and with force . Cold arctic air sweeps over North America in winter.
sweepback /swipbk/ noun an air-craft wing that slopes backwards towards the tail, forming an acute angle with the body of the aircraft
swell /swel/ noun a long wave on water that moves continuously without breaking . When ditching an aircraft the selection of a landing direction which will result in the minimum rela-tive speed between the aircraft and sea swell will reduce impact forces and minimise structural damage.
sweptback /sweptbk/ adjective
referring to a wing that slopes back-wards towards the tail of the aircraft
sweptwing /sweptw../ adjective
referring to an aircraft that has swept-
back wings swing /sw../ verb 1. to move from side to side with some force . There is often a tendency for a propeller driven aircraft to swing or yaw on take-off. 2. .

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