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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

permission /p.m..(.)n/ noun con-sent or authorisation . A passenger who is drunk can be refused permission to board the aircraft.
permit noun /pm.t/ a document or pass that is proof of official permission to do or have something . You need a permit to enter the restricted area. . verb /p.m.t/ to allow . When oxygen mask are pulled down to the usable position, valves are opened which per-mit oxygen to flow. . Information passed to the operations department will be sufficient to permit the flight to be planned.
Permit to Fly /pm.t t. fla./ noun
a certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Authority in the UK for aircraft which do not qualify for a Certificate of Air-worthiness
perpendicular /pp.nd.kjυl./
adjective at right angles or 90° to a base or a line . The vertical grid lines are perpendicular to the horizontal ones. . The air is acted upon by a force perpen-dicular to the isobars in the direction of low pressure.
persist /p.s.st/ verb 1. to continue to exist . Snow cover tends to persist on north-facing slopes of mountains. 2. to continue without giving up . She per-sisted with her request until it was granted.
persistence /p.s.st.ns/ noun 1. the
fact of continuing to exist and not disap-pearing . The persistence and move-ment of cols is governed by the move-ment of the adjacent pressure systems.
2. the act of continuing to do something and not giving up . He managed to overcome his difficulties through per-sistence and hard work.
personnel /ps.nel/ noun a body of people involved in a common pur-pose such as work . Smoke masks are available for use by personnel within the aircraft.
PFCU abbreviation power flying con-
trol unit PFD abbreviation primary flight dis-play
phase /fe.z/ noun 1. a stage or part .
An emergency situation may occur dur-ing any phase of the flight. 2. the rela-tionship between voltage and current .
The CSDU (constant speed drive unit) drive shaft turns the permanent magnet generator and single phase AC (alter-nating current) is induced in the wind-ing on the stator.
phase angle /fe.z .(.)l/ noun
the difference between two periodic phenomena expressed as an angle


phase difference /fe.z
d.f(.)r.ns/ noun a measure of phase angle from any VOR radial related to that on bearing 360°
phenomenon /f.n.m.n.n/ noun an
occurrence or circumstance which can be perceived by the senses . Metal fatigue is not a modern phenomenon. . Of all meteorological phenomena, thunderstorms present the greatest haz-ard to aviation. (NOTE: The plural form is phenomena.)

photographic film /f.υt.rf.k
f.lm/ noun a celluloid material usually contained in a small metal cylindrical casing for use in cameras
physical /f.z.k(.)l/ adjective 1.
referring to matter and energy or the sciences dealing with them, especially physics . Oxygen and nitrogen together constitute 99% of the atmosphere and

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