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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

range from 0°C (Celsius) at night to 40°C (Celsius) at midday.
rapid /rp.d/ adjective fast, with great speed . Hoar frost is a light crys-talline deposit which can form on the aircraft as a result of rapid descent from cold altitudes into warm moist air. .
rapid changes fast changes rapidity /r.p.d.ti/ noun great speed .
Spontaneous combustion occurs with such rapidity that there is an audible explosion.
rapidly /rp.dli/ adverb with great speed, quickly . Rime ice is formed when individual droplets of water freeze rapidly on striking the aircraft surface.

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rare /re./ adjective uncommon, not often occurring . Smog or smoke fog is now rare because of pollution controls.
RAS abbreviation 1. radar advisory service 2. rectified air speed
rate /re.t/ noun a quantity measured in relation to another measured quantity . rate of climb speed of ascent measured in feet per minute . rate of descent speed of descent measured in feet per minute . flow rate the amount of move-ment of a fluid through a system in a given time, e.g. gallons per minute
rather /rɑe./ adverb 1. to some extent, somewhat . rather cold weather weather which is quite cold, but not very cold 2. . rather than instead of, preferably . Air tends to flow around hills rather than rise over them.
rating /re.t../ noun 1. an authorisa-tion on a licence, and forming part of the licence, giving special conditions or privileges 2. a classification according to a scale
ratio /re..i.υ/ noun a relationship between two quantities expressed as the quotient of one divided by the other . The air/fuel ratio is 15:1. . Chart scale is the ratio of the chart distance to Earth distance. (NOTE: The ratio of 7 to 4 is written 7:4 or 7/4.)
ray /re./ noun a thin or narrow beam of light or other radiant energy . cathode ray . The Earth is heated by the rays of the sun. . X-ray
RBI abbreviation relative bearing indi-cator
RCC abbreviation rescue co-ordination centre
RCL abbreviation runway centreline
re-/ri/ prefix again . reassemble . rewrite (NOTE: Not all verbs beginning with re- have the meaning ‘again’, e.g. remember.)
reach /rit./ verb 1. to arrive at a place
. The aircraft reached its destination on time. 2. to get to a particular level . Up-currents in thunderstorms can reach 3,000 feet per minute. . Temperatures can reach 49°C (Celsius) in summer-time in the Gulf region. 3. to extend . The tops of thunderstorm clouds can reach through the tropopause.
react /rikt/ verb 1. to act in response to an action . Because the rotors and stators of a compressor are of aerofoil shape, the airflow reacts in a similar way to the airflow over a wing. 2. to do or to say something in response to words or to an event . The cabin crew reacted swiftly when the fire broke out.
3. . to react with something to change chemical composition because of another substance . The electrolyte in the cells of a lead-acid battery reacts chemically with the plates.

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