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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Tertiary radar systems are synonymous with long-range navigation aids. . Ter-tiary structures, for example fairings, wheel doors and minor component brackets, are essential parts of the air-frame.
tertiary radar /t..ri re.dɑ/ noun
long-range navigation aids test /test/ noun 1. a series of opera-tions to find out if something is working
well . The manual test for the engine fire warning system will give a steady red light on all the fire control handles.
2. an examination to assess the knowl-edge of a person . There is a navigation test for students at 0800 hours. . verb 1.
to operate something in order to find out whether it functions correctly . Oxygen under pressure is used to test the oxygen masks and equipment for fit and leak-age. 2. to examine somebody in order to assess his or her knowledge . The stu-dents are tested in five subjects.
test pilot /test pa.l.t/ noun a pilot who flies new aircraft in order to check their performance
TGT abbreviation turbine gas tempera-
ture theory /θ..ri/ noun a system of ideas or principles explaining something .
The theory of navigation must be stud-ied before any practical plotting exer-cises are done.

theory of flight /θ..ri .v fla.t/
noun the ideas and principles which contribute to our understanding of how things fly
thereafter /ee.rɑft./ adverb after that, beyond that . Meteorological visi-bility is given in metres up to 5,000 metres and thereafter in km (kilome-tres).
thereby /ee.ba./ adverb by that means or in that way . The evacuation was carried out at a slower rate, thereby minimising the risk of injury to passengers.
therefore /ee.f./ adverb as a result, consequently . At small throttle open-ings, the depression at the choke is very small and therefore no fuel flows from the main jet.
thermal /θm(.)l/ adjective refer-ring to heat . Intense surface heating causes thermal currents to develop and create convection. . noun a rising cur-rent of relatively warm air in the lower atmosphere . Glider pilots circle in thermals in order to gain height.

thermal activity /θm(.)l k
t.v.ti/ noun a period of time when there is a lot of vertical movement of air caused by heating . Cumulus clouds

thermal barrier 232
may develop because of thermal activity resulting from the warming of the sur-face.

thermal barrier /θm(.)l bri./
noun the heat caused by air friction on an aircraft flying at high speed
thermo-/θm.υ/ prefix heat thermocouple /θm.υkp(.)l/
noun a device for measuring tempera-ture . Variation in temperature of the cooling air will give some indication of engine trouble through a thermocouple system to a temperature gauge.
thermodynamic /θm.υda. nm.k/ adjective referring to the con-version of one form of energy into another and how this affects tempera-ture, pressure, volume, mechanical action and work

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