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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

sudden /sd(.)n/ adjective immedi-ate and without warning . a sudden change or sudden drop in temperature
suffer /sf./, suffer from verb to be affected by, to experience . Piston engines suffer from icing in moist air when the ambient air temperature is well above 0°C (Celsius).
sufficient /s.f..(.)nt/ adjective
enough . During pre-flight checks, the pilot must ensure that there is sufficient fuel for the flight.
suffix /sf.ks/ noun an addition to the end of a word creating a new word .
Apart from cirrus and stratus, which are complete names, all layer cloud names consist of a prefix according to height of base, and a suffix according to shape.
(NOTE: In the word cloudless, -less is the suffix meaning without.)
suggest /s.dest/ verb 1. to indicate a possibility . A strong cloud echo on radar suggests that hailstones are present. 2. to mean, to imply . Heap clouds, as the name suggests, often have great vertical extent.
suit /sut/ verb to meet the require-ments of . On some engines, the igni-tion can be varied as the engine is run-ning and is moved to suit the engine speed and load.
suitable /sut.b(.)l/ adjective appro-priate or right for a particular purpose .
Taking into account the limits imposed by aircraft performance, a suitable route must be chosen.
sulfur /slf./ noun US same as sul-phur
sulphur /slf./ noun a yellow non-metallic chemical element . Turbine fuels tend to corrode the components of the fuel and combustion systems mainly as a result of the sulphur and water con-tent of the fuel. (NOTE: The atomic number of sulphur is 16.)
sum /sm/ noun the result of two or more numbers added together . When the component velocities act in the same direction, the resultant velocity is equal to the sum of their speeds in that direction.
summarise /sm.ra.z/, summa-rize verb to present something in a shortened, concise form . The effects of ice deposits on aircraft can be summa-rised as follows ….
summary /sm.ri/ noun a brief account of something more detailed .
At the end of each chapter there is a summary.
sump /smp/ noun the oil reservoir of a piston engine situated at its base . The oil level in the sump or tank is normally checked after the engine has been stopped for a particular length of time.
sun /sn/ noun a very bright star around which the Earth travels and which gives light and heat . The sun was just rising when we landed. . The sun and the planets governed by the sun form the solar system. . solar

sunrise 224
sunrise /snra.z/ noun the time when the upper edge of the sun appears on the visible horizon. Abbreviation SR
sunset /snset/ noun the time when the upper edge of the sun just disap-pears over the horizon. Abbreviation
SS super-/sup./ prefix more than nor-mal
supercharge /sup.t.ɑd/ verb to
increase the power of an engine by using a supercharger . A supercharged engine delivers greater power than a non-supercharged engine of the same size.

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