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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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tle quantity 0 light rain 0 light snow 4. of thin consistency口 light oil oil which pours easily
light aircraft /,la.t 'e.krɑ:ft / noun a
small, single engine aircraft generally
for private not commercial use lighting /'la.t../ noun lights or a sys-tem of lights 0 Cabin lighting is switched off for take-off and initial climb. 0 Emergency floor lighting guides passengers to the emergency exits.
lightning /'la.tn../ noun a powerful and sudden electrical discharge from a cloud 0 Lightning is the most visible indication of thunderstorm activity.
lightning activity /'la.tn.. .k,t.v.ti / noun a period of time when there are a lot of lightning flashes

lightning strike /'la.tn.. stra.k/
noun the hitting of something by a dis-charge of lightning
light plane /,la.t 'ple.n / noun US same as light aircraft likely /'la.kli/ adjective probable口 rain is likely rain will probably fall口 icing is likely to occur in cumulonim-bus clouds icing is often a problem if flying in cumulonimbus clouds
limit /'l.m.t/ noun a point or line past which something should not go 0 There is a time limit of one hour for the exam-ination. 0 The minimum age limit for holding a PPL in the UK is 17.口 the upper limit of cloud the highest point at which there is cloud _ verb to restrict or to prevent from going past a particu-lar point 0 The amount of cabin bag-gage is limited to one bag per passen-ger.
limitation /,l.m.'te.. (.)n/ noun the act of limiting or the state of being lim-ited 0 Limitation of the maximum engine rpm to a little above maximum engine cruise rpm prevents compressor stall at the higher rpm range.
line /la.n/ noun 1. a thin continuous mark as made by a pencil, pen, etc. or printed 0 Draw a line from point A to point B. 2. a real or imaginary mark placed in relation to points of reference
0 An isobar is a line joining points of equal pressure. 3. a long row of people, etc. 0 a line of people 0 a line of cumu-lus clouds 4. a row of written or printed words 0 Look at line 4 on page 26. 5. a telephone connection to another tele-phone or system 0 Dial 9 to get an out-side line. 6. an electrical cable or wire口 telephone line cable supported on pylons from one telephone exchange to another 0 On final approach to an unfa-miliar airfield, pilots of light aircraft should keep a sharp lookout for power lines and telephone lines. 7. a system of pipes 0 a fuel line 8. a company which owns and manages a system of trans-portation routes 0 a shipping line 0 an airline such as KLM or QANTAS
linear /'l.ni./ adjective referring to a line, straight 0 Although air may appear to be still or calm it is, in fact, moving west to east in space, the linear velocity being zero at the poles and approxi-mately 1,000 mph at the equator.口 lin-ear scale a horizontal or vertical straight-line, rather than circular, scale on an instrument
linear actuator /,l.ni. '.ktjue.t. /
noun an actuator which operates in a straight back and forth manner, e.g. to open undercarriage doors

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