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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

propulsion /pr.pl..n/ noun an act or instance of pushing or driving for-wards (NOTE: The verb is to propel.)
propulsive /pr.pls.v/ adjective
pushing or driving . The propeller is a means of converting engine power into a propulsive force called thrust. (NOTE: The verb is to propel.)

propulsive power /pr.pls.v
paυ./ noun the power needed to pro-
duce thrust protect /pr.tekt/ verb to keep from harm, injury or damage . Gloves are worn to protect the hands in the event of a fire.
protection /pr.tek..n/ noun the act of keeping something from harm, injury or damage . fire protection action or measures taken to prevent fire
protective /pr.tekt.v/ adjective
referring to something which keeps something else from harm, injury or damage . Busbars are insulated from the main structure and are normally provided with some form of protective covering.
protrude /pr.trud/ verb to extend above a surface . Prominent mountains frequently protrude above low-lying cloud and mist.
protrusion /pr.tru(.)n/ noun
something which protrudes or extends above a surface . When it has been nec-essary to physically remove a layer of snow, all protrusions and vents should be examined for signs of damage.
prove /pruv/ verb 1. to show that something is true . The pilot proved that she was not at fault. 2. to be found to be, to be discovered to be (NOTE: proving – proved – has proved or has proven) . to prove useful to be discov-ered as useful by experience . dry chemical extinguishers are used pri-marily for electrical fires and have also proved effective on liquid fires it was discovered that, although these extinguishers were designed for electri-cal fires, they were good at putting out liquid fires such as petrol fires
provide /pr.va.d/ verb to supply or to give . Radio altimeters provide a continuous indication of height above the surface immediately below the air-craft up to a maximum of 5,000 feet. . Flight crews are frequently provided

provision 182
with a full meteorological briefing. . Each tank is provided with a shut off valve. . When aquaplaning, a tyre is not capable of providing directional control or effective braking. . provided that on condition that, if . The flight will take off on schedule provided that the weather improves.
provision /pr.v.(.)n/ noun 1. pro-viding something, or what is provided .
The provision of fresh air is important for passengers’ comfort. . Catering companies are responsible for the pro-vision of food. . There is a generator for the provision of emergency power. . The oil tank has provision for filling and draining. 2. a legal statement which provides for something such as particu-lar circumstances
proximity /pr.ks.m.ti/ noun near-ness in space or time . The two aircraft were in close proximity.

psychological stress
/sa.k.l.d.k(.)l stres/ noun a men-tally or emotionally upsetting condition which affects one’s health

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