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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

procedure turn /pr.sid. tn/
noun a turn made at 3° per second to
align the aircraft with the runway process /pr.υses/ noun a series of actions or changes which achieve a par-ticular result . adiabatic process . com-bustion process . cooling process
produce /pr.djus/ verb 1. to create
. Low altostratus clouds often produce rain. 2. to make or to manufacture . Most light aircraft are produced in the United States. 3. to show . The pilot must produce her licence to the author-ities within two weeks.
product /pr.dkt/ noun 1. some-thing created or made by human or nat-ural methods . Carbon monoxide is a product of the combustion process. 2. a number obtained by multiplying two other numbers together . The amount of power produced in a purely resistive

production 180
circuit is a product of voltage and cur-rent (P = VI watts).
production /pr.dk..n/ noun 1.
creation . The movement of air over the aerofoil is necessary for the production of lift. 2. the process of manufacturing something . Production of aircraft in the factory came to a stop in 1974. 3. the act of showing . An authorised per-son may require the production of a cer-tificate of airworthiness.
profile /pr.υfa.l/ noun 1. an outline or shape of something, seen from a side view . The de-icing panels are formed to the profiles of the wing and tail unit leading edges into which they are fitted.
2. a short description . The handbook gives a short profile of the different air-craft types.
prognostic /pr.n.st.k/ adjective
referring to foretelling or foreseeing events such as the weather
prognostic chart /pr.n.st.k t.ɑt/ noun a chart which predicts the weather for a given area . Prognostic or forecast charts are prepared, by the central meteorological office of each region, normally for periods up to 24 hours ahead. Also called forecast chart
programme /pr.dekt/ noun the
schedule of events to take place or pro-cedures to be followed . Every part of the aircraft must be designed to carry the load imposed on it and in order to determine such loads a programme of stress analysis is always carried out.
(NOTE: The word is also written pro-
gram in US English.) progress /pr.υres/ noun move-ment towards an end or aim . the progress of an aircraft in flight . in progress taking place . embarkation is in progress passengers are boarding the aircraft
progression /pr.υre.(.)n/ noun a
continuous series or sequence . The instruments are checked in logical pro-gression from left to right.
progressive /pr.res.v/ adjective
gradual, in stages . Throttle movements should be kept to a minimum and be smooth and progressive.
prohibit /pr.υh.b.t/ verb to disallow or forbid . Smoking is prohibited in toi-lets.
project noun /pr.dekt/ a large-scale plan or scheme . a project to mod-ernise the airport . verb /pr.dekt/ 1. to protrude or jut out . Ice is allowed to accumulate on a probe which projects into the airstream. 2. to produce an image on a screen with a film or slide projector . The instructor projected a diagram of the fuel system onto the screen.

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