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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

supercharger /sup.t.ɑd./ noun
a blower or compressor, usually driven by the engine, for supplying air under high pressure to the cylinders of an internal combustion engine . The func-tion of the supercharger is to increase the power output and maintain sea-level conditions at altitude.
super-cooled /sup. kuld/, supercooled /sup.kuld/ adjective
cooled below freezing point without solidification . supercooled fog . Nim-bostratus cloud is composed of liquid water droplets some of which are super-cooled.
superimpose /sup.r.mp.υz/
verb to lay or to place something over the top of something else . The compu-ter utilises a technique in which each successive atmospheric layer is ana-lysed and superimposed on the previous ones.
superjet /sup.det/ noun a large supersonic jet aircraft
supersonic /sup.s.n.k/ adjective
faster than the speed of sound . For sus-tained supersonic flight, tank insulation is necessary to reduce the effect of kinetic heating.
supervisor /sup.va.z./ noun a
person in charge . senior cabin supervi-sor
supplement noun /spl.m.nt/ an
angle or arc that, when added to a given angle or arc, makes 180° or a semicircle . verb /spl.ment/ to add to in order to make more complete . The main power plant fire detection system should con-
tain an audible warning device to sup-plement the visual indication.

supplemental type certificate
/spl.ment(.)l ta.p st.f.k.t/ noun a certificate issued by an airwor-thiness authority to indicate that a mod-ification to an aircraft or engine design has been approved. Abbreviation STC
supplementary /spl.ment(.)ri/
adjective extra or additional . supple-mentary information

supplementary angle
/spl.ment(.)ri .(.)l/ noun an angle that, when added to a given angle, makes 180°
supply /s.pla./ noun the amount of something available for use . An engine requires an adequate supply of oil. .
verb to make available for use, to pro-vide . A battery is designed to supply limited amounts of electrical power.
(NOTE: supplies – supplying – sup-
plied) support /s.p.t/ noun 1. a device to hold something in position . Direct-reading indicators consist of a float contained within a metal support tube.
2. practical assistance . verb to bear the weight of . The wings support the air-craft in flight.

support facilities /s.p.t f.
s.l.tiz/ plural noun equipment and buildings used by ground staff when working on aircraft at an airport
support services /s.p.t sv.s.z/ plural noun services provided to an aircraft while it is at an airport
suppress /s.pres/ verb 1. to prevent the development or spreading of some-thing . the fire crew suppressed the fire the fire crew brought the fire under control 2. to prevent electrical interfer-ence from affecting a radio signal . R/T noise interference can be suppressed.

suppressed antenna /s.prest n
ten./ noun an antenna which is mounted under the airframe skin .

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