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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

adjective restricted in area or influence
. a localized fire a fire which has not spread
localiser /l.υk.la.z./, localizer
noun a component of the instrument landing system that provides horizontal course guidance to the runway . If, dur-ing the approach, the aircraft deviates beyond the normal ILS glideslope and/or localiser limits, the flight crew are alerted. Abbreviation LOC
locality /l.υkl.ti/ noun a small geo-graphical area . The highest point in a locality is marked by a dot with the ele-vation marked alongside.

local mean time /l.υk(.)l min
ta.m/ noun the time according to the mean sun. Abbreviation LMT
local time /l.υk(.)l ta.m/ noun the time in the country you are talking about
locate /l.υke.t/ verb 1. to find the position of . Survival beacons transmit a signal which enables search air-craft/vessels to rapidly locate accident survivors still in the sea. 2. to position . The digital flight data recorder is located in the tail section.
location /l.υke..(.)n/ noun 1. a
place where something can be found .
Before take-off, cabin staff brief passen-gers on the location of emergency exits and life jackets. 2. finding where some-thing is . Rapid location of survivors is important.
locator /l.υke.t./ noun a non-direc-tional beacon used as an aid to final approach . Terminal control areas require charts which show detail on a large scale – terminal VORs, locator beacons, ILS installations, holding pat-terns, arrival/departure and transit routes.
lock /l.k/ noun a device operated by a key for securing a door, etc. . verb 1. to secure a door by turning a key in the lock . Lock the door before leaving the building. 2. to be in or to move into a secure position 3. to block or prevent moving . Anti-skid braking systems units are designed to prevent the brakes locking the wheels during landing. 4. .
to lock on to search for, find and follow
a target with a thin radar beam locking pin /l.k.. p.n/ noun a short metal device to prevent a nut from turn-ing
log /l./ noun a written record of a flight, flying hours, maintenance checks, etc., for an aircraft, engine or propeller . verb to write an entry in a log book or on a log sheet . He calcu-lates headings to steer for each flight stage and logs them.
logic /l.d.k/ noun electronic circuits which obey mathematical laws . Cir-cuit packs consist of basic decision-making elements, referred to as logic gates, each performing operations on their inputs and so determining the state of their outputs.

logical 140
logical /l.d.k(.)l/ adjective refer-ring to something which, because of previous experience or knowledge, is natural or expected . Pre-flight checks on light aircraft are made in a logical manner from one side of the aircraft to the other.
longeron /l.nd(.)r.n/ noun the main structural part of an aircraft fuse-lage extending from nose to tail . Long-erons are normally used in aircraft which require longitudinal strength for holds underneath the floor.

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