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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

magnetic field /mnet.k fild/
noun area of magnetic influence
magnetic north /mnet.k n.θ/
noun the direction of the Earth’s mag-netic pole, to which the north-seeking pole of a magnetic needle points if unaf-fected by nearby influences
magnetic pole /mnet.k p.υl/
noun one of the two poles which are the centres of the Earth’s magnetic field
magnetic variation /mnet.k ve.r.e..(.)n/ noun differences in the Earth’s magnetic field in time and place
. To convert magnetic bearing into true bearing it is necessary to apply mag-netic variation at the point at which the bearing was taken. Also called mag-netic declination
magnetise /mn.ta.z/, magnet-ize verb to convert an object or material into a magnet . Ferro-magnetic materi-als are easily magnetised.
magnetism /mn.t.z(.)m/ noun
a force exerted by a magnetic field . An electric current produces magnetism,
143 maneuver
and movement of a magnet can produce electricity.
magneto /mnit.υ/ noun a device that produces electrical current for dis-tribution to the spark plugs of piston aero-engines
COMMENT: The crankshaft turns the magnetos, which provide the electrical energy to create a spark from the spark plugs. This ensures that the spark plugs work even if the aircraft’s battery and electrical system fail. Most aircraft have two magnetos per engine in case one fails.
magnify /mn.fa./ verb 1. to
increase the size of, especially by using a lens, microscope, etc. . It was only after the image was magnified that it was possible to see the flaw. 2. to increase the effect of something . The stress level is magnified at times of high work load, for example, preparation for landing. (NOTE: magnifying – magni-fied)
magnitude /mn.tjud/ noun
greatness in size or extent . The magni-tude of the pressure gradient force is inversely proportional to the distance apart of the isobars. . When the surface wind speed reaches a particular magni-tude the term gale is used.


maiden flight /me.d(.)n fla.t/
noun the first flight of a new aircraft .
The maiden flight of the A340 was in October 1991.
main /me.n/ adjective most important; principal . main disadvantages princi-pal negative points
main gear /me.n ../ noun two
main landing wheel assemblies
mainplane /me.nple.n/ noun an air-craft wing, compared with the tailplane
. The region between the mainplane front and rear spars is commonly sealed off and used as tanks.
maintain /me.nte.n/ verb 1. to keep up, to carry on or continue . to main-tain the present heading to continue on the same heading . to maintain a constant selected engine speed not to change the engine speed 2. to keep in good mechanical or working order .
Aero-engines must be maintained regu-larly to maximise engine life.
maintenance /me.nt.n.ns/ noun a
regular periodic inspection, overhaul, repair and replacement of parts of an aircraft and/or engine . The gas turbine is a very simple engine with few moving parts when compared with a piston engine, giving it a high reliability factor with less maintenance. . maintenance manual the manufacturer’s instruction book of maintenance procedures

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