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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

simultaneous /s.m(.)lte.ni.s/
adjective happening at the same time .
Most aircraft are now fitted with remote magnetic indicator displays which can be selected to show two simultaneous bearings from different radio navaids.
sine /sa.n/ noun a trigonometric func-tion defined as the length of the side opposite to an angle in a right-angled triangle divided by the length of the hypotenuse. Abbreviation sin
single /s..(.)l/ adjective one only single-engined aircraft /s..(.)l end.n e.krɑft/, single-engine air-
craft noun an aircraft with one engine only sink /s..k/ noun a downdraught of air
. rate of sink the rate of descent of a glider . In order to achieve a safe land-ing, a glider has to be controlled so that it makes contact with the runway smoothly at a very low rate of sink. . verb to move downwards as in a fluid .
If water enters the fuel tank, it will sink to the bottom of the tank where it can be drained off.
sit /s.t/ verb to be resting with your behind on a seat such as a chair . The

site 210
pilot sits in the cockpit. (NOTE: sitting –
sat) site /sa.t/ noun a selected area of land . landing site . verb to position or to put in a particular place . Where it is impossible or inadvisable to site the localiser antenna on the runway cen-treline, it may be positioned to one side.
sitting /s.t../ adjective . sitting posi-tion the position of a person who is on a seat . The correct technique of using the escape slides is to assume a sitting position.
situate /s.t.ue.t/ verb to put in a par-ticular place, to locate . The inlet pres-sure is sensed by a single pitot-type probe which is situated just in front of the compressor.
situation /s.t.ue..(.)n/ noun 1. a
location, the place where something is .
The situation of the flight controls is important. 2. the conditions or circum-stances in a particular place or at a par-ticular time . The synoptic chart is a graphical representation of the general weather situation over a given area at a given time.
six character group /s.ks kr.kt. rup/ noun a group of six letters and/or numbers

six degrees of freedom of motion /s.ks d.riz .v frid.m .v
m.υ.(.)n/ plural noun the six types of movement that an aircraft must be able to make: forward, upward and down-ward, and roll, yaw and pitch
size /sa.z/ noun the extent of a thing, how big something is . Whether or not an object can be seen by aircrew at a given distance will depend on factors such as the size, shape and colour of the object.
skid /sk.d/ noun 1. a slide on slippery ground . Anti-skid braking systems units are designed to prevent the brakes locking the wheels during landing, thus reducing the possibility of wheel skid. 2.
a condition of uncoordinated flight then the aircraft moves away from the centre of a turn . Deflection of the ball in the turn coordinator indicates a slip or a skid. . anti-skid (NOTE: To correct a skid, the pilot should increase the bank,

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