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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

projection /pr.dek..n/ noun the
production of an image on a surface prolong /pr.l../ verb to increase the duration or time, often unnecessarily . to prolong the life of an engine . Pro-longed idling at low rpm (revolutions per minute) could cause spark plug fouling.
promulgate /pr.m.le.t/ verb to
make known through official means .
The range promulgated for NDBs (non-directional radio beacons) in the United Kingdom is based on a daytime protection ratio between wanted and unwanted signals.
prone /pr.υn/ noun . prone to likely to do something, or more than usually affected by something . Wing leading edges and engine intakes and propellers are prone to icing.
pronounced /pr.naυnst/ adjective
noticeable or marked . Turbulence caused by convection is more pro-nounced over paved surfaces than over forest or grassy terrain.
propagation /pr.p.e..(.)n/ noun
transmission . The speed of propaga-tion of radio waves is slower over land than sea.
propel /pr.pel/ verb to cause to move
. Fronts are propelled by the wind behind them.
propeller /pr.pel./ noun a rotating shaft with blades which, together with the engine, moves an aircraft through the air


propeller blade /pr.pel. ble.d/
noun one of the elements of a propeller which generate lift when the unit is turning

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propeller pitch /pr.pel. p.t./ noun
the distance a propeller would advance in one rotation if there was no slip
propeller tip /pr.pel. t.p/ noun the
part of the blade of a propeller furthest from the central hub

propelling nozzle /pr.pel..
n.z(.)l/ noun the extreme rear part of the jet engine where the jet exhaust enters the atmosphere
properly /pr.p.li/ adverb correctly .
When the chart is properly orientated, it is easier to compare distance between landmarks. . The pinpoint is a very pos-itive means of establishing position, as long as the feature is properly identi-fied.
property /pr.p.ti/ noun 1. a charac-teristic or quality . Mass is a basic property of matter. . One of the proper-ties of mercury is that it is liquid at room temperature. 2. the things that somebody owns, possessions . per-sonal property things belonging to a particular person
propjet /pr.pdet/ noun same as tur-boprop proportion /pr.p..(.)n/ noun 1.
part of the whole compared with another part . Only a small proportion of passengers absorb the pre-departure safety information. 2. . in proportion to directly related to . The force required to move the control column is in proportion to the force being exerted by the control surface.
proportional /pr.p..(.)n(.)l/ adjective 1. comparable 2. related . (directly) proportional directly related
. The wind blows along contours with low values on the left, and the speed is directly proportional to the contour gradient. . inversely proportional so that as one thing increases and another decreases by the same amount . Tem-perature is inversely proportional to altitude. . The magnitude of the pres-sure gradient force is inversely propor-tional to the distance apart from the iso-bars.

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