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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

a rectangle OBS abbreviation omni-bearing selec-tor
obscure /.bskjυ./ adjective not
clearly understood . the explanation was obscure the explanation was diffi-cult to understand because it wasn’t clear . verb to make difficult to see .
Deposits of ice crystals on the wind-screen will obscure vision.
obscured /.bskjυ.d/ adjective .
sky obscured a meteorological term to mean that fog or mist prevents sight of the sky
observation /.bz.ve..(.)n/ noun
careful watching . The type of cloud is established by observation and com-parison with cloud photographs.
observe /.bzv/ verb to watch care-fully . Local wave action can be observed from a height of 200 feet. . Wing deflection can be observed from the passenger cabin.
observer /.bzv./ noun a person working in a meteorological station who assesses weather conditions by vis-ual means . Meteorological visibility is the greatest horizontal distance at which objects can be seen and recog-nised by an observer on the ground with normal eyesight and under conditions of normal daylight illumination.
obstacle /.bst.k(.)l/ noun some-thing which blocks a path or prevents progress . Low frequency transmissions can penetrate obstacles such as moun-tains. . Knowing the heights of obsta-cles en route, it must be ensured that in the event of an emergency, the flight may be continued in safety.

obstacle clearance /.bst.k(.)l
kl..r.ns/ noun the fact of being at a sufficient height to be able to fly over any obstacles in the area
obstruct /.bstrkt/ verb to block a path or to prevent the progress of some-thing . Bags and luggage must not obstruct the aisles. . A safety valve is normally provided, in case the water separator assembly becomes obstructed by ice.
obstruction /.bstrk..n/ noun 1.
the act or process of obstructing . The glidepath antenna cannot be placed close to the centre line of the runway because it would cause an obstruction.
2. something which blocks a path or prevents progress . Before start-up, the

obtain 160
air intakes and jet pipes must be inspected, to ensure that they are free from any debris or obstruction.
‘…taxiways and aerodrome obstructions may be hidden by snow, so ask if you are not certain’ [Civil Aviation Authority, General Aviation Safety Sense Leaflet]

obtain /.bte.n/ verb to acquire, to get
. Telephone the meteorological office in order to obtain the latest weather fore-cast. . The probes are positioned in the gas stream in order to obtain an accu-rate temperature reading.
obvious /.bvi.s/ adjective clear and easily seen or understood . It is obvious that high ground will disturb the smooth horizontal flow of air.
occasion /.ke.(.)n/ noun the time at which an event or happening occurs .
In recent months the aircraft suffered two engine failures, on the first occa-sion the aircraft force-landed safely. . The maiden flight of an aircraft is a great occasion. . on occasions some-times

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