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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

exhaust leak an escape of exhaust gases . verb to escape from a sealed container . Fuel may leak from a fuel tank if the drain plug is not seated cor-rectly.
leakage /lik.d/ noun the escape of liquid or gas from a sealed container .
Any internal or external leakage of fuel will cause a reduction in the operating period. (NOTE: Leak is normally used for an individual instance while leakage is used more generally: There is a fuel leak from the central tank; Fuel leakage is a safety hazard.)
lean /lin/ adjective referring to a mix-ture in which the ratio of air to fuel is greater than usual . Moving the mixture control lever aft to the lean position reduces the amount of fuel mixing with the air.
lean mixture /lin m.kst../ noun a
fuel/air mixture in which the ratio of air
to fuel is greater than usual LED /el i di/ noun a semiconductor diode that emits light when current is applied. LEDs are used in cockpit dis-plays. Full form light-emitting diode
lee /li/ adjective, noun which is pro-tected from the wind . The air on the lee side is drier than that on the wind-

135 level
ward side. . The flow of air over and to the lee of hills and mountains may cause particularly severe turbulence.
Opposite windward
leg /le/ noun part of a flight pattern that is between two stops, positions, or changes in direction . An airfield traffic pattern is divided into take-off, cross-wind leg, downwind leg, base leg and final approach.
‘…their route was across the States to Canada, Greenland and the North Pole, into Norway, through Europe, back to Iceland, then two long legs across the Atlantic via South Greenland and back to Seattle’ [Pilot]
legal /li(.)l/ adjective lawful or within the law . Alcohol concentrations of 40 milligrams per 100 millilitres, i.e. half the legal driving limit in the UK, are associated with substantial increases in errors committed by pilots.
legend /led.nd/ noun a list explain-ing the symbols on a chart or a map . A legend is usually to be found at the edge or on the reverse side of most topo-graphical charts.
length /le.θ/ noun 1. a measurement along something’s greatest dimension . the length of the aircraft . The runway length is 3 kilometres. 2. a piece of something that is normally measured along its greatest dimension . a length of pipe 3. the extent from beginning to end . the length of a book 4. extent or duration, the distance between two points in space or time . the length of a briefing how much time the briefing takes . the length of the working life of components how long the compo-nents last . the length of a flight 1. the time it takes to complete a flight . The length of the flight meant that there was no time for a meal to be served to the passengers. 2. the distance of the flight in nautical miles or kilometres . The length of the flight is 100nm.
lengthen /le.θ.n/ verb to make long or longer . The mercury column short-ens when cooled and, due to expansion, lengthens when heated. Opposite

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