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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

mold /m.υld/ noun, verb US same as
mould molecule /m.l.kjul/ noun the
smallest particle into which an element or a compound can be divided without changing its chemical and physical properties . The molecules of a gas

moment 152
move more quickly than the molecules of a liquid.
moment /m.υm.nt/ noun 1. a short period of time . It only takes a moment to fill in the log book. 2. a point in time
at the moment at this particular time

He’s not in the office at the moment. 3.

the product of a quantity and its perpen-dicular distance from a reference point

A load on the end of a beam creates a bending moment. 4. the tendency to cause rotation about a point or an axis .

The tailplane provides a pitching moment to keep the aircraft level.
momentum /m.υment.m/ noun a
measure of the motion of a body equal to the product of its mass and velocity .
In rain, the faster an aircraft travels the more water it meets and the greater the relative momentum of the water drop-lets.
monitor /m.n.t./ noun a visual dis-play unit for a computer . verb to check, on a continuing basis . Flowme-ters are fitted which allow crew to mon-itor the flow of fuel to each engine.
monitor system /m.n.t. s.st.m/
noun system for checking and warning
monocoque /m.n.k.k/ noun a
three-dimensional body with all the strength in the skin and immediately underlying framework . In monocoque construction there is no internal stiffen-ing, as the thickness of the skin gives the strength and stability.
monoplane /m.n.υple.n/ noun an
aircraft that has only one pair of wings monsoon /m.nsun/ noun a wind from the south-west or south that brings heavy rainfall to southern Asia in the summer . Although the monsoon winds are thought of as being Asiatic phenom-ena, they do occur over Africa and parts of North America, especially the Gulf of Mexico. . monsoon season a season of wind and heavy rainfall in tropical countries
morning mist /m.n.. m.st/ noun
a mist which usually disappears before midday, as the result of warming from the sun
Morse /m.s/ noun a code used for transmitting messages in which letters
of the alphabet and numbers are repre-sented by dots and dashes or short and long signals . VOR (very high fre-quency omni-directional radio range) stations transmit a 2 or 3-letter aural Morse callsign on the reference signal at least every 30 seconds. (NOTE: Morse is still used for identifying some radio beacons.)
COMMENT: Named after S. F. B.
Morse, the American electrician who
died in 1872.

motion /m.υ.(.)n/ noun movement, the act of changing position or place . horizontal motion movement from side to side . rotary motion circular movement . vertical motion up and down movement
MOTNE noun a network for the exchange of meteorological informa-tion needed by meteorological offices, VOLMET broadcasting stations, air traffic service units, operators and other aeronautical users. Full form Meteoro-logical Operational Telecommunica-tions Network Europe

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