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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

. The lack of inter-crew communication contributed to the accident.
interfere /.nt.f../ verb . to inter-fere with to get in the way of something or come between things and thus create a problem . An engine intake close to another surface, such as the fuselage tail section, must be separated from that surface so that the slower boundary layer air does not interfere with the reg-ular intake flow.
interference /.nt.f..r.ns/ noun
the prevention of reception of a clear radio signal . Some equipment, such as generators and ignition systems, will cause unwanted radio frequency inter-ference. . precipitation interference
interference caused by rain, snow or
hail interlock /.nt.l.k/ noun a series of switches and/or relays . Interlocks operate in a specific sequence to ensure satisfactory engagement of the autopi-lot. . verb to connect together parts of a mechanism, so that the movement or operation of individual parts affects each other . The two parts interlock to create a solid structure.
intermediate /.nt.midi.t/ adjec-tive 1. in a position between two others
2. between beginners and advanced .
he is at an intermediate stage in his studies he is in the middle of his course of study . an intermediate level lan-guage student a second language learner who has reached a level between elementary and advanced level

intermediate approach
/.nt.midi.t .pr.υt./ noun the part

125 interrupt
of the approach from arriving at the first navigational fix to the beginning of the final approach

intermediate frequency
/.nt.midi.t frikw.nsi/ noun the frequency in a radio receiver to which the incoming received signal is trans-formed. Abbreviation IF
intermittent /.nt.m.t(.)nt/ adjec-tive stopping and starting at intervals .
The cycle of induction, compression, combustion and exhaust in the piston engine is intermittent, whereas in the gas turbine, each process is continuous.
internal /.ntn(.)l/ adjective refer-ring to the inside or interior of some-thing . internal damage Opposite
external internal combustion engine /.n tn(.)l kmbst..n end.n/ noun type of engine in which the fuel is burnt within the cylinders of the engine, as opposed to the steam engine

international /.nt.n.(.)n.l/
adjective between countries . interna-tional call a telephone call between people in two different countries
International Air Transport Association /.nt.n.(.)n.l e. trnsp.t .s.υsie..(.)n/ noun an international organisation that super-vises and coordinates air transport and to which most major airlines belong. Abbreviation IATA

International Calling Frequency
/.nt.n.(.)n.l k.l.. frikw.nsi/,
International Distress Frequency
/.nt.n.(.)n.l d.stres frikw.nsi/ noun 2182 kHz or 500 kHz
International Civil Aviation Organization /.nt.n.(.)n.l s.v.l e.viei.(.)n ..na.ze..(.)n/ noun an organisation established in 1947 by governments that ‘agreed on particular principles and arrangements in order that international civil aviation may be developed in a safe and orderly man-ner…’ . Air navigation obstructions in the United Kingdom are shown on ICAO aeronautical charts. Abbrevia-tion ICAO

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