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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Kepler derived the laws which relate to the motion of planets in their orbits.
relation /r.le..(.)n/ noun 1. a natural or logical association between things .
the relation between thrust and drag .
this bears no relation to that this is not connected with that in any way 2. . in relation to with reference to . The range at which objects can be recog-nised is affected by the direction of viewing in relation to the position of the sun or the moon. . The VOR station on the ground does the calculation and, depending on where the aircraft is in relation to the VOR station, it will receive signals which define the bearing of the aircraft from the VOR.
relationship /r.le..(.)n..p/ noun a
natural or logical association between things . There is a close relationship between altitude and pressure.
relative /rel.t.v/ adjective . relative
to compared to, with reference to .
Ground-speed is the speed of the air-craft relative to the ground.


relative airflow /rel.t.v e.fl.υ/
noun airflow over an aerofoil, often related to the chord line of the aerofoil. Also called relative wind

relative bearing /rel.t.v be.r../
noun the bearing of a radio station or

relative density 192
object with reference to the aircraft’s heading
relative density /rel.t.v dens.ti/
noun the ratio of density of a liquid with reference to water, or of a gas with ref-erence to air

relative humidity /rel.t.v hju
m.d.ti/ noun the ratio between the amount of water vapour in the air and the amount which would be present if the air was saturated, at the same tem-perature and the same pressure
relative wind /rel.t.v w.nd/ noun
same as relative airflow relay /rile./ noun a device which responds to a small current or voltage change by activating switches or other devices in an electric circuit . Thermo-couple detectors operate a sensitive relay or electronic circuit when a prede-termined temperature is exceeded. .
verb to pass an ATC message to an air-craft via another aircraft that is on the same frequency and within radio range
(NOTE: Messages may have to be relayed when atmospheric conditions make a direct transmission impossible)
release /r.lis/ noun the act of freeing something from something that holds it
. Air rising and cooling often reaches its dew point temperature, becomes sat-urated and any further cooling results in condensation and the consequent release of latent heat. . verb to free from something that holds it . Push the button to release the lever. . release the brakes let the brakes off . to release the pressure to allow pressure to reduce
relevant /rel.v(.)nt/ adjective hav-
ing a connection with the matter in hand
. High charts show only information relevant to high altitude flights and many beacons and aids which are pro-vided for low operations are omitted to keep the chart clear. . relevant infor-mation useful information which is related to the matter in question

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