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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

noun the set of procedures and checks that pilots and ground crew must carry out before an aircraft takes off . verb to inspect an aircraft before it takes off to ensure that it is airworthy
pre-ignition /pri.n..(.)n/ noun
the ignition of the fuel/air mixture in the combustion chamber, occurring before
the spark . Pre-ignition is often caused by a hot spot in the combustion cham-ber which ignites the mixture.
preparation /prep.re..(.)n/ noun
a state of readiness or act of making something ready for use beforehand .
Normal aircraft preparation are actions and precautions taken by the cabin crew on every flight to ready the aircraft for any abnormal or emergency situation which may occur during any phase of the flight.
prepare /pr.pe./ verb 1. to make ready beforehand for a particular pur-pose, as for an event or occasion . The instructor prepared the students for the exams. . prepare for take-off to get ready for take-off 2. to make by putting various elements or ingredients together . Regional area forecasting centres use information about upper wind speeds and temperatures to pre-pare specific forecasts and significant weather charts.
prescribe /pr.skra.b/ verb to set down as a rule or a guide . prescribed procedures a set or fixed pattern of doing something . A means of holding the fine pitch stop in a prescribed posi-tion is also called ‘pitch lock’.
pre-select /pris.lekt/ verb to select or to choose in advance
pre-selected /pris.lekt.d/ adjec-tive selected or chosen in advance . The CSU (constant speed unit) maintains the pre-selected propeller speed.
presence /prez(.)ns/ noun exist-ence . The presence of cloud by day decreases the value of the maximum temperatures. . A fuel sample hazy or cloudy in appearance would indicate the presence of water.
present /prez(.)nt/ adjective 1. in
place, existing . Fuel, oxygen and heat must all be present for fire to exist. 2.
the period in time through which we are now living, between the past and the future . at the present time at this time, now . present day aircraft mod-ern aircraft . present weather the weather at the moment of speaking . verb /pr.zent/ 1. to create or to make .
A fire in a toilet could present difficul-

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ties. . Learning to fly presents a chal-lenge. . to present an opportunity to create or to give an opportunity 2. to give a prize or award . Charter passen-gers on Concorde were presented with a certificate as a souvenir of their flight.
presentation /prez(.)nte..(.)n/ noun showing, a display . The most widely acceptable presentation of flight fuel data is in a tabular form.
presently /prez(.)ntli/ adverb 1. soon . I’ll be there presently. 2. US now, at the present time . he’s pres-ently in France at the present time, he is in France . a number of methods are presently in use a number of meth-ods are currently in use
preset /priset/ verb to set in advance . Radios allow the user to pre-set a number of different frequencies.

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