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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

seal /sil/ noun 1. a device that joins two parts and prevents leakage . An oil seal reduces the clearance between the rotating and static members. . static seal a seal which is part of a non-mov-ing component . Static seals, gaskets and packing are used in many locations.
2. a way in which a liquid or a gas may be prevented from escaping . Static seals, gaskets and packing effect a seal by being squeezed between two sur-faces. . verb to join two parts in such a way as to prevent leakage . In pressu-rised aircraft, bulkheads are provided at the front and rear ends of the fuselage to seal off the crew compartment and the passenger cabin.
sealant /sil.nt/ noun a substance painted or sprayed onto a surface to pre-vent the escape of a liquid or gas . The integral fuel tank may be completely
coated on the inside with a layer of sealant.
sea level /si lev(.)l/ noun the aver-age level of the surface of the sea, used for measuring barometric pressure

sealing compound /sil..
k.mpaυnd/ noun same as sealant
seaplane /siple.n/ noun a plane that can take off from and land on water search /st./ noun an act of looking
for something in order to find it . The aircraft reduced altitude and carried out a visual search for survivors. . verb to look for in order to find something .
The investigators searched the scene of the crash for the flight data recorder.
season /siz(.)n/ noun one of the four natural divisions of the year, spring, summer, autumn, or winter .
The amount of solar radiation received by the Earth depends on the season.
seasonal /siz(.)n(.)l/ adjective 1.
referring to the four natural divisions of the year, or characteristic of a particular time of the year . seasonal tempera-tures . seasonal winds 2. only lasting for a season . seasonal work
seasonal variation /siz(.)n(.)l ve.rie..(.)n/ noun a change occur-ring according to the season
seat /sit/ noun a place for sitting . pilot’s seat . window seat a seat next to a window
seated /sit.d/ adjective sitting, on your seat . Passengers should remain seated. . sit
seating capacity /sit.. k.ps.ti/
noun the maximum number of people an aircraft, bus, etc., can seat
secondary /sek.nd(.)ri/ adjective
1. of the second rank in importance, etc., not primary 2. an induced current that is generated by a primary source
secondary radar /sek.nd(.)ri re.dɑ/ noun a radar system in which the active target replies to the interroga-tion unit

secondary surveillance radar
/sek.nd(.)ri s.ve.l.ns re.dɑ/ noun a radar which uses ground equip-ment called interrogators and airborne equipment called transponders to

section 204
identify aircraft, determine altitude and range, etc. . Secondary surveillance radar (SSR) is normally used to supple-ment data from primary systems.
Abbreviation SSR section /sek..n/ noun 1. a compo-nent or part of a structure . tail section and nose section of the aircraft . the non-smoking section of the aircraft 2. part of a text . The book is divided into four sections, and the first four chapters form the first section. 3. a diagram of a solid object as it would appear if cut, so that the internal structure is displayed. .

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