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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

205 serviceability
of a word . The word ‘bearing’ is used in a lot of different senses. . verb to detect automatically . The fire warning system is designed to sense two levels of temperature – overheat and fire. . sen-sor
sensitive /sens.t.v/ adjective able to
register very small differences or changes in conditions . Oscillating out-puts from the alternators could cause sensitive equipment to malfunction or trip off. . The actuator is sensitive to engine rpm.
sensitivity /sens.t.v.ti/ noun the
quality or state of being able to register very small differences or changes in conditions . Monitors detect distur-bances which are below the sensitivity level of the gyros.
sensor /sens./ noun a device which receives and responds to a signal or stimulus . pressure sensor . tempera-ture sensor . The inlet pressure is sensed by a single pitot-type sensor probe which is situated just in front of the compressor.
separate adjective /sep(.)r.t/ exist-ing as an independent thing . Propel-lers consist of a number of separate blades mounted in a hub. . verb /sep.re.t/ to set or keep apart . Dry chemical extinguishants separate the oxygen element from the fire thus retarding combustion.
separation /sep.re..(.)n/ noun 1. the condition of being spaced apart 2. the removal of something from a mix-ture or combination . The oil and air mixture flows over the de-aerator tray in the oil tank, where partial separation takes place.
separation standards /sep. re..(.)n stnd.dz/ plural noun inter-nationally agreed minimum separation limits for aircraft in flight
separator /sep.re.t./ noun a device which removes something from a mix-ture or combination . The water sepa-rator will extract a percentage of free moisture from the air.
sequence /sikw.ns/ noun a series of things or events which follow one another, an order . The ignition system
provides a rapid series of sparks timed to fire in each cylinder in the correct sequence.
sequence valves /sikw.ns vlvz/ plural noun a fluid flow control-ler which performs a number of actions in a particular order . Sequence valves are often fitted in a landing gear circuit to ensure correct operation of the land-ing gear doors and actuators.
series /s..riz/ noun a number of things or events which come one after the other in a particular order . a series of photographs . a series of switches
series circuit /s..riz sk.t/ noun
an electric circuit connected so that cur-rent passes through each component of the circuit in turn without branching
serious /s..ri.s/ adjective important, or giving cause for great concern or worry . serious damage very bad dam-age . serious injury very bad injury
serve /sv/ verb 1. to act or to func-tion as . In some aircraft, pressure gauges also serve as a maintenance check on leakage. 2. to be used for a purpose . Different colour-coded warn-ing lights serve to alert the observer that something is wrong with the sys-tem.

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