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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

undergo 242

undercarriage down and locked
/nd.kr.d daυn .n l.kd/ noun
confirmation that the undercarriage is
secure in preparation for landing undergo /nd..υ/ verb to experi-ence, to pass through a process . When water changes from vapour to liquid, energy is released into the atmosphere which is thus warmed, although the water itself does not undergo a change of temperature. (NOTE: undergoing – underwent – has undergone)
underlying /nd.la.../ adjective 1.
being under . Thermal modifications occur when the temperature of the underlying surface differs from that of the source region. 2. forming the basis of a theory or principle . The principle underlying the construction of a mer-cury barometer has not changed since 1643, when Torricelli first demon-strated that the atmosphere has weight.
undershoot /nd..ut/ verb to
land before, or in front of the intended target . Because of the strong wind, the student pilot undershot the runway and landed before the runway threshold.
underside /nd.sa.d/ noun the sur-face underneath something . The underside of the wing should be care-fully inspected for damage or leaks.
undertake /nd.te.k/ verb to do .
In light aircraft, pilot/passenger com-munication can be satisfactorily under-taken verbally on a one to one basis.
(NOTE: undertaking – undertook – has undertaken) undulating /ndjυle.t../ adjective
rising and falling in gentle slopes .
Flight over undulating terrain will result in changing indications of air-craft height on the indicator of the radio altimeter.
uniform /jun.f.m/ adjective the
same, not varying in quality, dimen-sions, etc. . An engine should be run at low r.p.m. (revolutions per minute) after flight to allow engine components to cool to a uniform temperature.
unique /junik/ adjective the one and only of its sort, having no like or equal . The pulse coded message con-tains a unique 4-number identification.
unit /jun.t/ noun 1. a quantity or amount used as a standard, an accepted measurement . The internationally agreed unit of pressure is the millibar. . The higher the sun is in the sky, the more intense is the radiation per unit area. 2. a person, group or device, com-plete in itself . The operation of flying controls is by means of self-contained power flying control units (PFCUs).
universal /jun.vs(.)l/ adjective
affecting all or everybody . The use of fly-by-wire systems in airliners was delayed to allow thorough development and encourage universal acceptance of the new technology. . Coordinated Universal Time
unload /nl.υd/ verb to remove a load from an aircraft . It took three hours to unload the aircraft.

unloading point /nl.υd.. p..nt/
noun the place where an aircraft is unloaded . After taxiing, a marshaller marshals the aircraft to the disembar-kation and unloading point.
unsaturated /nst..re.t.d/

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