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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

line feature /'la.n,fi:t.. / noun a use-ful navigational landmark, e.g. a rail-way line, road or river
line of position /,la.n .v p. 'z..(.)n/ noun same as position line
line of sight /,la.n .v 'sa.t / noun a
clear path between sending and receiv-ing antennas. Abbreviation LOS
line up /,la.n 'Ap / verb to move air-craft into position ready for departure 0
Line up with the nosewheel on the run-way centre line.
link /l..k/ noun 1. a connection 0 Light aircraft can be steered while taxiing via a direct link from rudder pedals to nose-wheel. 2. a relationship 0 There is a link between alcohol abuse and pilot error resulting in accidents. _ verb 1. to make a connection, to join 0 The connecting rod links the piston to the crankshaft. 2.
to establish a relationship between two situations 0 They link alcohol abuse and pilot error.

linkage 138
linkage /l..k.d/ noun a system or series of mechanical connections such as rods, levers, springs, etc. . throttle linkage . rudder linkage . The linkage from the control column to the control surfaces should allow full and free movement.
liquid /l.kw.d/ adjective having a consistency like that of water . Liquid oxygen is stored in cylinders. . noun a substance with a consistency like water
. Water is a liquid, ice is a solid.
liquid crystal display /l.kw.d kr.st(.)l d.sple./ noun liquid crystals that reflect light when a voltage is applied, used in many watch, calculator and digital displays. Abbreviation LCD
liquid fire /l.kw.d fa../ noun oil or
petrol fire list /l.st/ noun a series of names, words, things to do, etc., arranged one after the other in a vertical column . verb to write a series of names, words, etc. one after the other in a vertical col-umn . List the advantages of a stressed-skin construction.
liter /lit./ noun US same as litre lithium /l.θi.m/ noun a soft silvery metallic element, the lightest known metal, often used in batteries . an alloy of aluminium and lithium
litmus /l.tm.s/ noun a substance which turns red in acid, and blue in alkali
litmus paper /l.tm.s pe.p./ noun
small piece of paper impregnated with
litmus to test for acidity or alkalinity litre /lit./ noun the volume of one kil-ogram of water at 4°C (= 1,000cc or
1.76 pints) (NOTE: It is written l after a figure: 10l; also written liter in US Eng-lish.)
live /la.v/ adjective carrying electricity
. live wire
livery /l.v.ri/ noun the colour scheme and markings on the outside of an air-craft that identify it as belonging to a particular airline
LMT abbreviation local mean time load /l.υd/ noun 1. the weight or mass which is supported . The load on the undercarriage decreases as lift
increases and, when the aircraft rises into the air, the aircraft is supported by the wings. . load bearing supporting some weight 2. a force which a struc-ture is subjected to when resisting externally applied forces . The load on the control column is increased when the aircraft is flown out of trim. 3.

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