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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

ion /a..n/ noun an atom or a group of atoms that has obtained an electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons . negative ion . positive ion . Ultra-violet light from the sun can cause electrons to become separated from their parent atoms of the gases in the atmosphere, the atoms left with resultant positive charges being known as ions.
ionisation /a..na.ze..(.)n/, ioni-zation noun the process of producing ions by heat or radiation . The intensity of ionisation depends on the strength of the ultra-violet radiation and the den-sity of the air.
ionosphere /a..n.sf../ noun the
part of the atmosphere 50 km above the surface of the earth . Since the strength of the sun’s radiation varies with lati-tude, the structure of the ionosphere varies over the surface of the earth.
ionospheric /a..n.sfer.k/ adjec-tive referring to the ionosphere
ionospheric attenuation /a. .n.sfer.k .tenjuei.(.)n/ noun loss of signal strength to the ionosphere
ionospheric refraction /a. .n.sfer.k r.frk..n/ noun a change in direction as the wave passes through an ionised layer
I/R abbreviation instrument rating
irregular /.rejυl./ adjective not
regular . Pilots of long-haul flights are subject to an irregular sleep pattern.
irrespective /.r.spekt.v/, irrespec-tive of preposition taking no account of, regardless of . Rescue flights continue
their work irrespective of the weather conditions.
ISA /a.s./ abbreviation international
standard atmosphere isobar /a.s.υbɑ/ noun a line on a weather chart joining points of equal atmospheric pressure . Isobars are analogous to contour lines.
isobaric /a.s.br.k/ adjective refer-
ring to or showing isobars . isobaric charts
isolate /a.s.le.t/ verb to separate something from other things or some-body from other people . The low-pres-sure fuel cock isolates the airframe fuel system from the engine fuel system to enable maintenance and engine remov-als to be carried out.
isolated /a.s.le.t.d/ adjective sepa-
rate . isolated rain showers well
spaced out rain showers isolation /a.s.le..(.)n/ noun the state of being separated from something or somebody . Isolation of the air-craft’s passengers and crew from the reduced atmospheric pressure at alti-tude is achieved by pressurisation of the cabin.
isotach /a.s.υt./ noun a line of equal wind speed on charts (NOTE: Wind speed is normally given in the form of isotachs.)
isotherm /a.s.υθm/ noun a line of equal temperature on charts . Ascent of stable air over high ground may result in a lowering of the 0°C isotherm.
issue /..u/ noun a number or copy .
The article was in last month’s issue of the magazine. . verb 1. to give out . The captain issued the evacuate command.
2. to publish . The magazine is issued monthly. 3. to give out, to grant . The Civil Aviation Authority issue licences.
ITCZ abbreviation intertropical conver-gence zone
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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