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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

COMMENT: Stability can be classified as three types. Positive stability is the tendency of a body to return to its original state after being displaced. Light training aircraft have positive stability. Neutral stability is the tendency of a body to remain in the new position after displacement. Negative stability is the tendency of a body to continue moving away from its original position after displacement.

stability augmentation system
/st.b.l.ti .m.nte..(.)n s.st.m/ noun a flight control system which automatically adjusts pitch and yaw to improve an aircraft’s stability. Abbrevi-ation SAS
stable /ste.b(.)l/ adjective 1. steady
2. referring to an atmosphere in which there is little or no vertical movement .
Layer cloud occurs in a stable atmos-phere.
stack /stk/ verb 1. to put one on top of the other . By stacking rows of hori-zontal dipoles one above the other, a well-defined electronic glide path can be transmitted. 2. to keep aircraft cir-cling at different heights while they are waiting to land at an airport . noun a number of aircraft waiting to land at an airport that are circling at different heights
stacked /stkt/ adjective circling at
different heights prior to landing stackup /stkp/ noun same as stack
stage /ste.d/ noun 1. one of several sections, steps, or levels into which a process can be divided . There are three stages in the life cycle of a thunder-storm: process of formation, develop-ment and decay. . Calculate headings to steer for each stage of the flight. .
cruise stage of the flight the section of a flight between top of climb after take-off and start of descent to land . at a later stage at a later time 2. a group components forming part of an electri-cal or electronic system . In the axial
flow compressor, many stages of mov-ing and stationary blades are needed, each row of rotors and a row of stators forming a stage.
stagger /st./ noun a design in which the leading edge of one wing of a biplane projects beyond that of the other wing . verb to make the leading edge of one wing of a biplane project beyond the leading edge of the other wing
stall /st.l/ noun 1. a loss of lift caused by the breakdown of airflow over the wing when the angle of attack passes a critical point . In some configurations it is possible for the buffet speed to be less than the required 7% margin ahead of the stall. 2. a situation in which an engine or machine stops suddenly because an opposing force overcomes its driving power . Compressor stall can be caused by ice formation in the air intake. . recovery . verb to lose lift by the breakdown of airflow over the wing when the angle of attack passes a critical point . Many light aircraft stall when the angle of attack exceeds 15°. .
COMMENT: A stall has nothing to do with the engine stopping. An aircraft can stall at any airspeed and in any attitude.

stalling angle /st.l.. .(.)l/
noun the angle relative to the horizontal at which the flow of air around an aero-foil changes abruptly, resulting in sig-nificant changes in the lift and drag of an aircraft

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