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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

measurement /me.m.nt/ noun 1.
an act of measuring . Measurement of relative humidity is done using an instrument called a hygrometer. 2. the result of measuring . The measure-ments of the room are: height = 4 metres, length = 10 metres, width = 4 metres.
147 mental
mechanical /m.kn.k(.)l/ adjec-tive referring to machines . Activation may be electrical or mechanical. .
mechanical pump a pump operated by the engine rather than by electrical power
mechanical advantage /m. kn.k(.)l .dvɑnt.d/ noun the ratio of the output force produced by a machine to the input force
mechanical engineering /m. kn.k(.)l end.n..r../ noun the study of design, construction, and use of machinery or mechanical structures
. She gained a degree in mechanical engineering from university.
mechanical linkage /m.kn.k(.)l l..k.d/ noun a system of rods, cables and levers in a light aircraft, which con-nect the control column in the cockpit to the control surfaces on the wings, tail-plane and fin
mechanics /m.kn.ks/ noun 1. the
study of the action of forces on matter or material systems 2. the way some-thing works . The mechanics of the f.hn wind provide a good illustration of the adiabatic process.
mechanism /mek.n.z(.)m/ noun 1.
the arrangement of connected parts in a machine or system . the landing gear mechanism . the nose wheel steering mechanism 2. a physical process . the mechanism by which thunderstorms develop
MEDA abbreviation military emer-gency division aerodrome


medical certificate /med.k(.)l s.
t.f.k.t/ noun a document which con-firms that the named person has been medically examined and declared to be in good physical condition
medical emergency noun a situa-tion when somebody is unwell and quickly needs medical care
medium /midi.m/ adjective refer-ring to something that has a position or represents a condition midway between extremes . high, medium and low fre-quencies . medium level cloud . noun a
substance through which something else is transmitted or carried . Tubes convey the cooling medium. . The cool-
ing medium for cooling oil can be ram-air or fuel.
medium frequency /midi.m frikw.nsi/, medium frequency band /midi.m frikw.nsi bnd/
noun radio frequency range between 300 kHz and 3000 kHz – often referred to as medium wave (MW). Abbrevia-tion MF
mega-/me./ prefix large. Opposite micro-(NOTE: The prefix mega- is used in front of SI units to indicate one mil-lion: megahertz = one million hertz.)
megahertz /me.hts/ noun a
measure of frequency equal to one mil-lion cycles per second. Abbreviation
melt /melt/ verb to become liquid by heating . Ice melts at temperatures above freezing. . melting point tem-perature at which a solid turns to liquid
. Magnesium has a melting point of 1204°F.
member /memb./ noun 1. a large, important structural unit . The skin in bonded to the internal members. . A beam is a member which is designed to withstand loading applied at an angle to it, often perpendicular. 2. a person who joins a club or organisation . He is a member of the gliding club. 3. a per-son in a team or crew . Most large pas-senger aircraft are now operated by two crew members.

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