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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

tight /ta.t/ adjective closely or firmly fitting or put together . a tight fit a sit-uation when there is just about enough space to fit . adverb closely or firmly, with no air leaks . The door must be shut tight.
tilt /t.lt/ noun a sloping position . Land creates a drag effect on an electro-mag-netic wave-front, reducing the velocity of the wave thereby causing a tilt. . verb
to be at an angle to the vertical or hori-zontal, to slope . The Earth tilts on its axis.
timetable /ta.mte.b(.)l/ noun a
printed list which shows the times of departure from and arrival to various destinations . All the scheduled flights are listed in the airline timetable.
timetabled /ta.mte.b(.)ld/ adjec-tive listed in a timetable . A scheduled landing is an arrival at a timetabled destination.
time zone /ta.m z.υn/ noun one of the 24 parts of the Earth in which the same standard time is used
tip /t.p/ noun the end of a small or tapering thing tire /ta../ noun US same as tyre

titanium 234
titanium /ta.te.ni.m/ noun a light metal used to make strong alloys . The fatigue resistance of titanium is greater than that of aluminium or steel.
TKOF abbreviation take off (ICAO)
TMA abbreviation terminal control area T/O, TO abbreviation take off toggle /t.(.)l/ noun a short piece of
wood or other material, attached with a string to e.g. a life jacket . Pull the tog-gles downwards to inflate the life jacket.
toilet /t..l.t/ noun 1. a bowl with a seat on which you sit to get rid of waste from your body 2. a room or cubicle with a toilet bowl in it . There are two toilets at the rear of the plane and one at the front.
tolerance /t.l.r.ns/ noun an allow-able variation in something which can be measured . a tolerance of 2° . a tol-erance of 1mm (millimetre)
tone /t.υn/ noun a sound of one pitch
. The ground transmits a code in two short bursts each of which is modulated with two tones.
tool kit /tul k.t/ noun a set of tools consisting of spanners, screwdrivers, pliers, etc.
top /t.p/ noun the highest point or part
. If cumulonimbus clouds cannot be avoided then flight through the top is less hazardous than through the centre or bottom of the cloud.

top-dead-centre /t.p ded sent./
noun the position of the piston at the extreme top of its stroke in a piston engine . Ignition should occur just before top-dead-centre.
topic /t.p.k/ noun the subject of something heard, said, written or read .
The first section in the book deals with the topic of airmanship.
topographical /t.p.rf.k(.)l/
adjective referring to topography . An advantage of using airfield QNH is that altimeter readings can be compared directly with heights represented on topographical maps.
topography /t.p.r.fi/ noun 1. a
representation of detailed natural and man-made features of the Earth’s sur-
face as represented on a map . The chart shows the topography of the area.

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