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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

net /net/ adjective after all necessary deductions
net dry weight /net dra. we.t/
noun the basic weight of an engine without fluids and without accessories not essential for the engine to function
network /netwk/ noun 1. a com-plex interconnected group or system .
A network of meteorological stations around the world exchange informa-tion. 2. a system of lines or channels which cross each other . On a map, meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude form a network of lines called a graticule. 3. a system of computers interconnected in order to share infor-mation
neutral /njutr.l/ adjective, noun 1.
indicating an electrical charge which is neither positive nor negative 2. indicat-ing the position of a switch or lever which leaves a system active but not engaged, e.g. an engine gear lever posi-tion in which the engine is disconnected from the driven parts 3. indicating the middle position of a control surface providing no aerodynamic effect other than that as part of the wing . After a turn, the auto-control will return the ailerons to neutral as the aircraft returns to straight flight.
neutralise /njutr.la.z/, neutralize
verb to cancel the effect of . Spillage from a lead acid battery may be neutral-ised by washing with a diluted solution of sodium bicarbonate.
never-exceed speed /nev.r .k sid spid/ noun a speed which must not be exceeded. Also called Vne (Velocity Never Exceeded)

night rating 156
night rating /na.t re.t../ noun an
additional qualification gained from a
course of training for night flying nil /n.l/ noun nothing, zero . nil driz-zle no drizzle
nimbostratus /n.mb.υstre.t.s/
noun a cloud forming a low dense grey layer from which rain or drizzle often falls
nitrogen /na.tr.d.n/ noun a col-ourless, odourless gas which makes up four fifths of the Earth’s atmosphere .
Some aircraft have high pressure air or nitrogen bottles provided in the under-carriage and flap circuits for emer-gency lowering. (NOTE: The atomic number of nitrogen is 7.)
nm abbreviation nautical mile nocturnal /n.ktn(.)l/ adjective
happening or appearing during the night
. Because there is a requirement for a cold ground, a katabatic wind tends to be nocturnal, but if the slope is snow-covered, it can also occur during the day.
no-fly zone /n.υ fla. z.υn/ noun
an area over which aircraft, especially those of another country, are forbidden to fly
nominal /n.m.n(.)l/ adjective 1. not
significant or not important . a nomi-nal increase a very small increase 2. named, specific . As an installed bat-tery becomes fully charged by the air-craft generator, the battery voltage nears its nominal level and the charging current decreases.
non-/n.n/ prefix not or no non-directional beacon /n.n da. rek.(.)n.l bik.n/ noun a radio bea-con transmitting a signal by which the
pilot can determine his or her bearing. Abbreviation NDB non-essential /n.n .sen.(.)l/

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