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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

PCN abbreviation pavement classifica-
tion number PDC abbreviation pre-departure clear-ance
peak /pik/ noun the highest point .
The intensity of solar radiation reaches a peak around noon. . peak value max-imum value
PED abbreviation portable electronic
device pedal /ped(.)l/ noun a foot-operated lever
penalty /pen(.)lti/ noun 1. an unwanted result of an action . The pen-alty of using a circular polarisation transmission may be some loss of defi-nition. 2. a punishment or fine . Fuel penalties can be incurred if fuel surplus to requirements is carried.
penetrant /pen.tr.nt/ noun some-thing which forces or gets entry into an area or substance . Penetrant dye inspection is a non-destructive test used mainly for the detection of defects open to the surface. . Penetrant oil can be used to loosen rusty bolts, etc.
penetrate /pen.tre.t/ verb to force a way into . Cool air from the Atlantic can sometimes penetrate far into Europe. . Occasionally, thunder cloud will penetrate through the tropopause.
penetration /pen.tre..(.)n/ noun
the act of forcing a way into or through
. Long-range radars are little affected by weather interference and have good cloud penetration characteristics.
per /p, p./ preposition for each, for every . feet per minute (fpm) . gallons per hour (gph)
per cent /p. sent/ noun the number out of each hundred . fifty per cent (50%) half or . or 50 out of 100 . twenty-five per cent (25%) one quar-ter or . or 25 out of 100
percentage /p.sent.d/ noun 1. a
fraction with 100 as the understood denominator . Volumetric efficiency is usually expressed as a percentage. 2. part of the total . Only a small percent-age of passengers take in the pre-depar-ture safety briefing.
perform /p.f.m/ verb to do . Cir-
cuit breakers perform the same function as a fuse. . The pilot performed a loop to conclude his flying display.
performance /p.f.m.ns/ noun the
ability of a system such as an aircraft or an engine to function as required . The performance of the turbojet engine is measured in thrust produced at the pro-pelling nozzle or nozzles.
period /p..ri.d/ noun a length of time . a 24 hour period . a period of 3 minutes

periodic 170
periodic /p..ri.d.k/ adjective hap-
pening from time to time or at regular intervals, occasional . periodic main-tenance maintenance made at a partic-ular time interval . Periodic calibration of ILS (instrument landing system) installations is recommended.
peritrack /peritrk/ noun same as taxiway permanent /pm.n.nt/ adjective
lasting or remaining without change . permanent deformation damage to a structure which must be repaired by replacing the damaged part . perma-nent magnet a metal component which always has a magnetic influence. Oppo-site temporary
permissible /p.m.s.b(.)l/ adjective
allowable, not prohibited . Great care must be taken to ensure that the aircraft operates within regulated or permissi-ble weight limits.

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