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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

minus /ma.n.s/ preposition reduced by . 6 minus 2 equals 4 (6 – 2 = 4). . noun a minus sign (-) . minus forty degrees Celsius (- 40° Celsius)
minute noun /m.n.t/ 1. a time period of 60 seconds . There are 60 minutes in one hour. . wait a minute wait a while or a short period of time 2. a unit of angular measurement equal to one sixti-eth of a degree . 20 degrees and 20 min-utes east (20° 20’E). . adjective /ma. njut/ very small indeed . Metal fatigue begins as minute cracks, too small to be seen, at the point of maxi-mum stress.

miscellaneous /m.s.le.ni.s/
adjective various, mixed, not all the same . The first aid box contains mis-cellaneous items for use in a medical emergency.
miss /m.s/ verb not to get or catch .
Two passengers arrived so late that they missed the flight.

missed approach /m.st .pr.υt./
noun an approach that does not result in a landing and is followed by a go-around
missed approach point /m.st . pr.υt. p..nt/ noun the point at which a pilot must carry out a missed approach procedure if a particular vis-ual reference has not been made

missed approach procedure
/m.st .pr.υt. pr.sid./ noun the action and flight path to be followed after a missed approach at a particular aerodrome
mist /m.st/ noun 1. visible water vapour, in the form of very fine drop-lets, in the atmosphere . Mist is thinner than fog. 2. liquid in spray form . an air/oil mist . verb . to mist up to
become covered in tiny water droplets and therefore prevent clear vision through a surface . The windscreen misted up.
mix /m.ks/ verb to put together in order to form one mass . It is a fact of nature that different air masses do not mix together.
mixture /m.kst../ noun something which is the result of a number of things mixed together

mixture control /m.kst.. k.n
tr.υl/ noun a device for controlling the ratio of fuel to air entering an engine’s carburettor or fuel injection system. The mixture control is a knob or lever marked in red usually to the right of the throttle lever. . In order to stop the engine, the mixture control should be moved fully aft.
MLS abbreviation microwave landing system mm abbreviation millimetre
MM abbreviation middle marker MMR /em em ɑ/ abbreviation multi-mode receiver
mnemonic /n.m.n.k/ noun some-thing such as a word, sentence or little poem which helps the memory
151 molecule
COMMENT: Some of the well known mnemonics are: ARROW= Airworthiness Certificate, Registration Document, Radio Station Licence, Operating Handbook, Weight and Balance document – documents to be carried in (light) aircraft (U5); BUMF checks= Brakes, Undercarriage, Mixture, Fuel – downwind checks in a light, single engine aircraft with a fixed-pitch propeller; FREDA= Fuel, Radio, Engine, Direction indicator, Altimeter – airfield approach checks; HASELL= Height, Airframe, Security, Engine, Location, Lookout – pre-stall checks;

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