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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

lengthwise /le.θwa.z/ adjective, adverb along the length of something .
in a lengthwise direction
lengthy /le.θi/ adjective 1. long,
extensive . He wrote a lengthy report.
2. long, which lasts for a long time (NOTE: Lengthy often suggests a meet-ing or explanation which is longer than necessary and therefore uninteresting.)
. lengthy meeting a long meeting . lengthy explanation a long explana-tion
lens /lenz/ noun a normally round piece of glass with curved surfaces found in microscopes, telescopes, cam-eras, spectacles, etc.
lens-shaped cloud /lenz .e.pt klaυd/, lenticular cloud /lent.kjυl.
klaυd/ noun cloud with slightly out-wardly-curved upper and lower sur-faces
lessen /les(.)n/ verb to make less .
Reverse thrust is used to lessen the loads on brakes and tyres. . Clean fil-ters lessen the possibility of blockage.
letdown /letdaυn/ noun the descent of an aircraft in preparation for landing, before the actual landing approach
level /lev(.)l/ adjective 1. . level with
at the same height or position as some-thing else . In most light aircraft, the aeroplane will be in a climb if the engine cowling is level with the horizon.
 having a flat, smooth surface . a level runway a runway without bumps, etc.

 on a horizontal plane 4. steady, refer-ring to something with no sudden changes . speak in a level voice do not raise and lower the sound of your voice

. the level tone of an engine the unchanging sound of an engine . level head clear thinking . It is essential that the crew keeps a level head in an emer-gency. . noun 1. a position along a ver-tical axis . ground level . reference level . The tropopause is the level at which the lapse rate ceases to be so important. . the fluid level in the res-ervoir the point where the surface of the fluid reaches up to . high-level cloud high-altitude cloud 2. a position on a scale . an advanced level of study
3. a relative amount, intensity, or con-

level off 136
centration . an unsafe level of contami-nation . a reduced level of noise . A gas turbine engine has an extremely low vibration level.
level off /lev(.)l .f/ verb to start to fly level with the ground after climbing or descending, or make an aircraft do this
lever /liv./ noun 1. a device with a rigid bar balanced on a fixed point and used to transmit force, as in raising a weight at one end by pushing down on the other . Push the lever fully up to activate the brake mechanism. . Push the button to release the lever. 2. a han-dle used to adjust or operate a mecha-nism . throttle lever . undercarriage selector lever . Feathering is accom-plished by moving the pilot’s control lever. . verb to move as with a lever . The door would not open so the emer-gency services had to lever it open with specialised equipment.
LF abbreviation low frequency licence /la.s(.)ns/ noun a document which is proof of official permission to do or to own something

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