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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

significant /s.n.f.k.nt/ adjective
important and therefore noticeable . a significant change in temperature . The vertical currents and eddies formed by the flow of air over hills and mountains have a significant effect on aircraft encountering them.
209 sit
significant meteorological information /s.n.f.k.nt miti.r. l.d.k(.)l .nf.me..(.)n/ noun a weather advisory concerning weather conditions important to the safety of all aircraft, such as severe or extreme tur-bulence. Abbreviation SIGMET

significant points /s.n.f.k.nt
p..nts/ plural noun geographical posi-tions used in air navigation, which are defined by latitude and longitude and have names consisting of five letters
significant weather chart /s. n.f.k.nt wee. t.ɑt/ noun a weather chart with important weather informa-tion marked on it
signify /s.n.fa./ verb to indicate, to suggest, to mean . Buffet signifies the approach of a stall. (NOTE: signifies – signifying – signified)
silence /sa.l.ns/ noun the absence of sound . total silence the complete absence of sound . verb to stop, or stop something, making a noise . When an engine fire warning is received on the flight deck, the first action should be to silence the warning bell.
silencer /sa.l.ns./ noun a device to reduce noise . In order to reduce the level of noise from the blower, silencers are incorporated in the main supply ducting.
similar /s.m.l./ adjective nearly the same . Turbo-shaft engines are similar to turboprop engines.
similarity /s.m.lr.ti/ noun the fact of having features that are nearly the same . There are points of difference and similarity between the two aircraft.
simple /s.mp.l/ adjective 1. basic,
not complex . A simple fuel system con-sists of a gravity feed tank, a filter, a shut-off valve and pipes. 2. easy . a simple question
simplicity /s.mpl.s.ti/ noun the
quality of having a basic, uncompli-cated design or concept . Because of its lightness, cheapness and simplicity, a fixed pitch propeller is often fitted to single-engine aircraft.
simplify /s.mpl.fa./ verb to make easy, to make less complex or compli-cated . Repair procedures are being
further simplified by increasing use of cold setting resins.
simulate /s.mjυle.t/ verb to imitate the conditions or behaviour of some-thing . The computer program simu-lates the action of an aircraft.

simulated instrument flight
/s.mjυle.t.d .nstrυm.nt fla.t/ noun
an instrument flight carried out in a sim-ulator on the ground or in a specially prepared aircraft with screens on the windows
simulation /s.mjυle..(.)n/ noun an imitation of a real situation, created often for training purposes . a simula-tion of an engine fire . The computer animation showed a simulation of the events which followed the explosion on board the aircraft.
simulator /s.mjυle.t./ noun a
machine that is constructed to look like an aircraft cockpit with a full set of instruments, in which people can be trained to fly a particular type of aircraft

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