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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

operational air traffic
/.p.re..(.)n.l e. trf.k/ noun
flights operating in accordance with military air traffic service procedures. Abbreviation OAT
operations department /.p. re..(.)nz d.pɑtm.nt/ noun the part of an airline or airport organisation which deals with flight operations
operative /.p(.)r.t.v/ adjective
functioning or working . The system is now operative after the recent mainte-nance.
operator /.p.re.t./ noun a person who operates or uses equipment . A ring graticule around the edge of the cathode ray tube enables the operator to read the bearing directly.
oppose /.p.υz/ verb 1. to work against . In level flight, the force of lift opposes the force of gravity. 2. to reject, be in conflict with or try to prevent .
The local people oppose the building of the new runway. 3. . as opposed to in contrast with . over sea as opposed to over land
opposite /.p.z.t/ adjective 1. situ-
ated or placed directly across from something, facing . opposite sides of a building the back and front of a build-ing 2. completely different, the reverse
. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. . noun something completely different, the reverse . The opposite of a katabatic wind is an ana-batic wind. . The opposite of starboard is port. . going in opposite direc-tions 1. moving away from each other
2. moving towards each other opposition /.p.z..(.)n/ noun . in
opposition against . Drag acts in oppo-sition to thrust. . The electromotive force that is produced by all motors is in opposition to supply voltage and is
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directly proportional to motor rpm (rev-olutions per minute).
optimum /.pt.m.m/ adjective refer-
ring to the point at which the condition or amount of something is the best .
The optimum altitude for jet aircraft is higher than that for piston engine air-craft. . noun the point at which the con-dition or amount of something is the best . Generally speaking, engine out-put is at its optimum at cruising speed.
option /.p..n/ noun a choice or alternative . On a bad approach, the pilot of a powered aircraft always has the option of going around. . He was given the option of buying two aircraft instead of one.
orbit /.b.t/ noun the path of a planet, or of a satellite. as it moves around another celestial body. . A year is the time taken for the Earth to complete one orbit round the sun. . to put into orbit, to send into orbit to launch something into space so that it revolves around a celestial body such as the sun . verb to revolve around . The Earth orbits the sun. (NOTE: orbiting – orbited)
order /.d./ noun 1. an instruction given as a command by somebody in authority . The captain gave the order to evacuate the aircraft. 2. the sequence of occurrence . The firing order of sparking plugs in a piston engine is 1, 3, 4, 2. . alphabetical order arrangement in which words beginning with letter A come first, followed by those beginning with letter B, then C, etc. . numerical order arrangement in which the lowest numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) come first and higher numbers (25, 26, 27, etc.) come later 3. a condition or state . Although the aircraft is old, it is in good working order. . out of order not working . The telephone is out or order. 4. . in the order of approximately . VOR (very high frequency omni-directional radio range) beacons of 200 watts have a range in the order of 200 nm (nautical miles). . in order to so as to . Indicated airspeed must be corrected in order to obtain true airspeed. . verb 1. to give a command . Before impact, the captain will order the crew to secure themselves at their assigned emergency stations. 2.

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