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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

middle /m.d(.)l/ adjective in the cen-tre . middle marker . noun the centre . the seat in the middle of the row
middle airspace service /m.d(.)l e.spe.s sv.s/ a radar service pro-vided by an air traffic control area radar unit in the airspace between FL100 and FL245. Abbreviation MAS

middle marker /m.d(.)l mɑk./
noun an ILS marker beacon on extended runway centre line, usually 3500 feet from the runway threshold
MIL abbreviation military mile /ma.l/ noun . statute mile military /m.l.t(.)ri/ adjective relat-
ing to war or to the armed services
milk run /m.lk rn/ noun a routine trip, especially an airline’s regular flight millibar /m.libɑ/ noun a unit of
atmospheric pressure equal to 1 thou-sandth of a bar. Symbol mb milligramme /m.lirm/ noun one
thousandth of a gramme millilitre /m.lilit./ noun one thou-sandth of a litre (NOTE: It is usually writ-
ten ml after figures: 35ml. Also written milliliter in US English.) millimetre /m.limit./ noun one
thousandth of a metre (NOTE: It is usu-ally written mm after figures: 35mm. Also written millimeter in US English.)
min abbreviation minimum minima /m.n.m./ . minimum minimal /m.n.m(.)l/ adjective very
small in amount, importance or degree
. Safety equipment carried on some light aircraft may be as minimal as a portable fire extinguisher. . Any attempt to increase range by applying power is of minimal benefit.
minimise /m.n.ma.z/, minimize
verb to reduce or decrease to the small-est amount possible
minimum /m.n.m.m/ adjective
smallest possible . the minimum amount required . Minimum weather requirements for a particular operation such as runway visual range (RVR). .
noun the smallest or least possible quantity or amount . Fires should be tackled with the minimum of delay. . To keep the weight of the fuselage structure

minimum flying speed 150
to a minimum, the difference between cabin pressures and the external atmos-pheric pressures should be kept to a minimum. (NOTE: The plural form is minima or minimums.)

minimum flying speed
/m.n.m.m fla... spid/ noun the lowest true air speed at which an air-craft can maintain height
minimum fuel /m.n.m.m fju.l/
noun the amount of fuel required to reach destination and land without delay

minimum sector altitude
/m.n.m.m sekt. lt.tjud/ noun
the lowest altitude at which an aircraft may fly under emergency conditions and which will provide a minimum clearance of 1000 ft above all obstacles located within a particular sector
minimum separation /m.n.m.m sep.re..(.)n/ noun the minimum ver-tical or horizontal distance allowed between two aircraft
minor /ma.n./ noun a person under the age of legal adulthood . adjective small in size or amount and therefore relatively unimportant. Opposite major
. minor repairs repairs which can be made quickly and with the minimum amount of equipment

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