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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

windspeed /w.ndspid/ noun the
speed of the wind which, if combined with a direction, is called velocity. It is usually measured in knots. . Wind direction is given in degrees true rounded to the nearest 10°, followed by the mean windspeed.
wind tunnel /w.nd tn(.)l/ noun a
tunnel-shaped chamber through which air can be passed at a known speed in order to test the aerodynamic properties of an object such as an aircraft placed inside it
wind velocity /w.nd v.l.s.ti/
noun wind speed and direction windward /w.ndw.d/ adjective, adverb facing the direction from which the wind blows. Opposite lee . wind-ward of a range of hills upwind of the range of hills . If precipitation occurs, water will have been removed from the atmosphere thus causing the air on the lee side to be drier than that on the windward side.
wing /w../ noun the main horizontal aerofoil or mainplane . The wing sup-ports the weight of the aircraft in flight.
winglet /w..l.t/ noun an upturned wing tip or small additional vertical aer-ofoil on a wing tip . The attachment of winglets improved the handling charac-teristics of the aeroplane.
wing loading /w.. l.υd../ noun
the weight of an aircraft per unit wing
area wingman /w..mn/ noun a pilot who flies in a position behind and to the side of the leader of a group of flying aircraft
wingover /w.nd.υv./ noun a
manoeuvre to turn a flying aircraft in which the pilot puts the aircraft into a
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steep turning climb until it almost stalls and then allows the nose to fall
wing panel /w.. pn(.)l/ noun a
rectangular aluminium section of the aircraft skin of a wing . Wing panels of light aircraft are normally riveted together.
wing root /w.. rut/ noun the part of the wing where it meets with the fuse-lage
wingspan /w..spn/ noun a meas-urement from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other wing . The wingspan of the aircraft is 7 metres.
wing tip /w.. t.p/ noun the outer-most part of the wing . As an aircraft takes off, the forces on the wing tip and wing surfaces start reversing direction and instead of being only downward forces of weight, they become upward forces of lift.
wipe /wa.p/ verb to clean or to dry by using a cloth . In the event of hydraulic fluid spillage on paintwork, the affected area should be wiped clean immedi-ately.
wiper /wa.p./ noun a device with a rubber blade which clears rain, snow, etc., from a windscreen . In some cir-cumstances, such as heavy rainstorms, the windscreen wipers may not be able to cope and pilot’s visibility is impaired.
wire /wa../ noun metal drawn out into the form of a thread or string . While the shunt coil is made of fine wire which gives a high resistance and small cur-rent flow, the series coil is made of thick wire, which gives a low resistance and large current flow.
wire mesh /wa.. me./ noun metal
sheeting made of criss-crossed wiring withdraw /w.edr./ verb to pull back, to draw back . Instructions are given to the cabin crew to arm the escape devices immediately the board-ing steps or airbridges are withdrawn.
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