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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Only when all possible assistance has been rendered inside the cabin will crew themselves evacuate.
repair /r.pe./ noun an action designed to return something to good condition after damage . The repair to the nosewheel took three hours. . verb
to mend or otherwise return to good condition after damage . After the wheels-up landing, the flaps had to be repaired.
‘Mr Pike elected to await repairs instead of taking up the offer of alternative flights, and found himself the only passenger aboard the Jumbo as it flew back to Heathrow four hours late’ [Pilot]
repeat /r.pit/ verb 1. to do again .
The first officer repeated the transmis-sion. . The trainee had to repeat her navigation examination. 2. to occur again . Metal fatigue is induced by repeated stress cycling. 3. to say again . Could you repeat that please? I didn’t hear. . The message was repeated a few minutes later.
repel /r.pel/ verb to push away by a force . Like poles (i.e., north and north, or south and south) of a magnet repel each other. (NOTE: repelling –
repelled) repellent /r.pel.nt/ noun a sub-stance used to resist the effect of some-thing . Rain repellent is sprayed onto the windscreen and spread by the wip-ers.
replace /r.ple.s/ verb to take the place or to fill the place of . As warm air rises, cold air moves in to replace it.
. The term Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is being replaced by the term Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
replacement /r.ple.sm.nt/ noun 1.
the act of replacing something with something else . The replacement of moist air by dry air is the only sure way of dispersing advection fog. 2. some-thing or somebody that replaces some-thing or somebody else . She was hired as a replacement for a manager who had recently retired.
reply /r.pla./ noun an answer or response . Secondary surveillance interrogation is made on 1030 MHz (megahertz) and the reply on 1090 MHz (megahertz). . verb to answer, to respond . He replied to the letter.
(NOTE: replying – replied) report /r.p.t/ noun an official account of an occurrence . incident report . weather report . verb to write or tell information in an official manner
. The observer measures this distance in a number of directions and reports the minimum value as the meteorologi-cal visibility. . An accident must be reported.


reporting point /r.p.t.. p..nt/
noun a specified geographical location on an aircraft’s route at which the crew must report to air traffic control
represent /repr.zent/ verb to indi-cate or to show, using signs or symbols
. On a Mercator projection, meridians are represented as parallel straight lines.
representation /repr.zente..(.)n/
noun a way of showing something, using signs or symbols . The synoptic chart provides a representation of the weather over a large area at a particu-lar time.

representative 194
representative /repr.zent.t.v/
adjective . representative of which is a typical example of what all others are like . Surface air temperatures are taken in such a way as to be representa-tive of the air temperature near the sur-face yet unaffected by the direct surface heating or cooling effects. . noun a per-son who acts or speaks for another per-son or for an organisation such as a company

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