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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

‘…a recent incident in Argentina serves to highlight some of the many safety problems in Latin America’ [INTER PILOT]
service /sv.s/ noun 1. a facility . A
pressure reducing valve is often used to reduce main system pressure to a value suitable for operation of a service such as the wheel brakes. 2. work done for others as a profession . Automatic Ter-minal Information Service (ATIS) . Cabin crew provide a commercial serv-ice to passengers. 3. maintenance or repairs carried out . verb to do mainte-nance or repairs on . Jet engines are simpler to dismantle and service than piston engines.
serviceability /sv.s.b.l.ti/ noun
the ability to function as required .
When carrying out engine checks, it is usual to turn off the magnetos in turn to check their serviceability.

serviceable 206
serviceable /sv.s.b(.)l/ adjective
able to function as required . The pilot must make sure that the radio equip-ment is serviceable prior to take-off.
service area /sv.s e.ri./ noun
area where maintenance and repairs are carried out
service bay /sv.s be./ noun a
space in the structure of an aeroplane where equipment can be located for maintenance or repairs . In most mod-ern aircraft a number of the major com-ponents are grouped together in a hydraulic service bay which is easily accessible for routine servicing opera-tions.

service bulletin /sv.s bυl.t.n/
noun a notice issued by the manufac-turer of an aircraft, engine or other equipment to alert people to problems with that equipment. Abbreviation SB
servicing /sv.s../ noun the action of carrying out maintenance and repairs
. Accessibility of components and equipment during servicing enables work to be done more quickly.
servo /sv.υ/ abbreviation servo-mechanism
servo-assisted /sv.υ .s.st.d/
adjective partially operated by a servo-mechanism . servo-assisted brakes . servo-assisted steering
servo-control unit /sv.υ k.n tr.υl jun.t/ noun a unit, a combined selector valve and actuator, which moves a control surface . A servo-con-trol unit is part of the system which relieves the effects of aerodynamic forces on the flight controls.

servomechanism /sv.υ
mek.n.z(.)m/ noun a device to con-vert input forces into much larger out-put forces . Two phase motors are nor-mally used for very small or miniature motors in servomechanisms.
set /set/ noun a group of things which belong together . a set of instruments . a set of figures . adjective fixed or established . a set procedure . verb 1. to adjust to a particular point or figure .
The aircraft receiver is set to the required frequency. 2. to put in a partic-ular position . Set the throttle fully
closed. 3. to harden . The resin sets. (NOTE: setting – set) . cold setting materials materials which do not need heat to harden
set down /set daυn/ verb to land an aircraft, or land somewhere in an air-craft

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