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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

rectification /rekt.f.ke..(.)n/
noun the process of changing an alter-nating current into direct current . Part of the generator alternating current (AC) is passed through a rectification circuit.
rectified airspeed /rekt.fa.d e. spid/ noun indicated airspeed cor-rected for instrument error and pressure error . When rectified airspeed (RAS) is corrected for density error the resultant is known as the true airspeed.
rectifier /rekt.fa../ noun an elec-tronic circuit that converts an alternat-ing current supply into a direct current supply . The ignition unit receives an alternating current which is passed through a transformer and rectifier.
rectify /rekt.fa./ verb 1. to change alternating current into direct current .
Alternating current output is rectified and regulated externally and returned as direct current to the stator field winding. 2. to correct . to rectify a mis-take to put right a mistake
redeye /reda./ noun a late night or
overnight airline service reduce /r.djus/ verb to decrease, to make less. Opposite increase . reduce altitude to descend . reduce tempera-ture to make cooler
reduced separation /r.djust sep.re..(.)n/ noun a revised mini-mum separation which is smaller than the previous minimum separation
reduction /r.dk..n/ noun a
decrease . reduction in temperature, pressure, speed


reduction gear /r.dk..n ../
noun gears in an engine which allow the propeller to turn at a slower speed than the engine
redundancy /r.dnd.nsi/ noun the
duplication of component parts of a sys-tem to enable the system to function even if one component fails . With sys-tem redundancy, a single failure within a system will have little effect on the air-craft’s performance during the approach and landing operation.
redundant /r.dnd.nt/ adjective
referring to a system which provides extra component parts to enable the sys-tem to function even if one component fails . Redundant structure design is composed of a large number of mem-bers, all of which share a load, so that if one of the members is lost, the load car-ried by the member is divided between all the others in such a way that the total load-carrying ability is reduced only slightly.
redux /redks/ noun a method of fix-ing components together using adhe-sives and glues
re-enter /ri ent./ verb to enter again . For engine checks the aircraft should be headed into wind to prevent hot exhaust gases re-entering the engine.
refer /r.f/ verb 1. to describe or give a name to . The term wind is used to refer to the horizontal motion of air. 2.
to direct someone to a source of help or information (NOTE: referring – referred) . refer to chapter 10 for more details look at or read chapter 10 for more information

reference 190
reference /ref(.)r.ns/ noun some-thing used as a basis for further calcula-tion or investigation . visual reference anything seen and used as a guide to something else . Use the large building as a visual reference for the turn onto final approach. . reference book a book in which you can look for infor-mation, e.g. a dictionary . by reference to by looking at and comparing

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