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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

to put in a sequence . Order the items in importance from 1 to 10.
organisation /..na.ze..(.)n/, organization noun 1. an association of people working together for the same cause . The World Meteorological Organization . The International Civil Aviation Organization 2. the act of putting things into a structured and sys-tematic form . The organisation of training materials for the new self-access learning centre is under way. 3. planning . Captain Scott is responsible for the organisation of examinations.
organise /..na.z/, organize verb
1. to arrange into a system . Organise your notes so that you can find things easily. 2. to plan . The trip was well organised and everybody enjoyed them-selves.
orientate /.ri.nte.t/ verb to locate in relation to the compass . The first step in map reading is to orientate the chart by relating the direction of land features to their representation on the chart.
orientation /.ri.nte..(.)n/ noun a
position in relation to the compass .
The horizontal situation indicator (HSI) presents a selectable, dynamic colour display of flight progress and plan view orientation.
orifice /.r.f.s/ noun an opening, mouth or vent . The liquid expands and builds up a pressure differential across an orifice which leads to the expansion chamber.
origin /.r.d.n/ noun 1. a source, the place where something starts . An air mass takes on the characteristics of its place of origin. 2. the base from which a map projection is drawn . The value of convergence used is correct at the parallel of origin.
original /.r.d.n(.)l/ adjective
before all others, the first . The atmos-phere is said to be stable if, when a par-cel of air is displaced vertically, it tends to return to its original level.
originate /.r.d.ne.t/ verb to be cre-ated or to come into being . Tropical revolving storms originate within 5–15° of the equator. . Aircraft fires after an

orographic 164
emergency landing, often originate in the wing area.
orographic /.r.rf.k/ adjective
referring to mountains . orographic uplift the lifting of air masses in contact with mountain regions

orographic cloud /.r.υrf.k
klaυd/ noun a cloud formed by air being forced upward over mountainous areas
orthomorphic /.θ.υm.f.k/
adjective of the correct shape . An orthomorphic chart is one which has meridians and parallels which intersect at right angles and, at any point on the chart, the scale must be the same in all directions.
orthomorphism /.θ.υ m.f.z(.)m/ noun a shape representa-tion on a map . Orthomorphism means that bearings may be measured cor-rectly at any point on a chart.
oscillate /.s.le.t/ verb 1. to move regularly between extremes 2. to increase or decrease regularly so as to produce oscillations . Instability pro-tection is incorporated to guard against oscillating outputs from the alternators.
oscillation /.s.le..(.)n/ noun 1. a

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