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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

item /a.t.m/ noun a single article or unit in a collection, on a list, etc. .
Before practising stalls, the pilot should secure all loose items in the cockpit.



J symbol joule
JAA abbreviation Joint Aviation Authorities jack /dk/ noun a powered device to
move heavy components, such as con-
trol surfaces of large aircraft jacket /dk.t/ noun 1. a short coat with long sleeves worn with trousers or skirt 2. an outer covering or casing .
Liquid cooling of a piston engine is achieved by circulating a liquid around the cylinder barrels, through a passage formed by a jacket on the outside.
jam /dm/ verb to cause moving parts to become locked and unable to be moved . a jammed door a door which has become fixed and unmovable . The investigation revealed that the accident had been caused by the controls being jammed due to a spanner caught in the control cables.
JAR abbreviation Joint Aviation
Requirements jato /de.t.υ/ noun an auxiliary jet or rocket designed to aid the combined thrust of aircraft jet engines during take-off
jeopardise /dep.da.z/, jeopardize
verb to put in doubt or danger . Injury to a crew member will seriously jeop-ardise the successful evacuation of the aircraft.
Jeppesen chart /dep.s(.)n t.ɑt/
noun a type of aeronautical chart pro-duced by a US company and widely used in aviation
jet /det/ noun 1. a strong fast stream of fluid forced out of an opening . a jet of water from a pipe 2. a type of engine used to power modern aircraft which takes in air at the front, mixes it with fuel, burns the mixture and the resulting expansion of gases provides thrust .
The turbo jet engine was invented by Frank Whittle in 1941. 3. a type of air-craft which has jet engines . The de Havilland Comet was the first commer-cial jet.
jetbridge /detbr.d/ noun same as loading bridge jet fighter /det fa.t./ noun a
fighter plane that is powered by a jet
engine or engines jet lag /det l/ noun the temporary disturbance of body rhythms such as sleep and eating habits, caused by high-speed travel across several time zones .
When I fly to Canada, it always takes me a couple of days to recover from jet lag.
jetliner /detla.n./ noun a large pas-
senger aircraft powered by jet engines jet plane /det ple.n/ noun an air-craft powered by jet engines
jet-propelled aircraft /det pr. peld e.krɑft/ noun aircraft powered by jet engines
jet propulsion /det pr.pl.(.)n/
noun jet power which provides thrust for an aircraft . The first known exam-ple of jet propulsion was when Hero, a Greek engineer, made a machine as a toy in the year 120 BC.
jet stream /det strim/ noun 1. a
band of strong winds at high altitude .
The occurrence of the equatorial jet stream is due to a temperature gradient with colder air to the south. 2. the flow of gases from a jet engine
129 junction box
jettison /det.s(.)n/ verb to throw off or release from a moving aircraft .

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