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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

subside /s.bsa.d/ verb 1. to sink to a lower level . Cool air subsides. 2. to become less active or strong . the storm subsided the storm grew quiet
subsidence /sbs.d(.)ns/ noun the act of sinking to a lower level .
Descending air occurs because of sub-sidence in the high pressure belts of the sub-tropics and poles.
subsonic /sbs.n.k/ adjective fly-
ing at speeds slower than the speed of sound, or not designed to fly above the speed of sound
substance /sbst.ns/ noun a mate-rial of a particular sort . Specific heat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1°C (Cel-sius) compared to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of water by 1°C.
substantial /s.bstn..l/ adjective
considerable, important . substantial damage a lot of damage . substantial increase a big increase
subtend /s.btend/ verb to be oppo-site to and delimit . The angle sub-tended by an arc equal to one 360th part of the circumference of a circle is called 1° (degree).
subtract /s.btrkt/ verb to deduct or to take away . 6 subtracted from 10 equals 4 (10 – 6 = 4).
subtraction /s.btrk..n/ noun the
operation of taking away or deducting .
The major arithmetic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
subtropical /sbtr.p.k(.)l/ adjec-tive referring to the areas between the tropics and the temperate zone . In win-ter, the subtropical high retreats and gives way to cyclonic pressure patterns.
sub-zero /sb z..r.υ/ adjective
below zero degrees . In sub-zero condi-tions sublimation will occur when air is cooled below the frost point, producing a deposit of ice crystals.
success /s.kses/ noun the achieve-ment of something wanted . The key to
223 sun
success in navigation is pre-flight plan-ning.
successful /s.ksesf(.)l/ adjective
satisfactory, as wanted . His second attempt at landing was successful.
succession /s.kse.(.)n/ noun the process of following in a particular order . A succession of minor incidents created a more serious situation.
successive /s.kses.v/ adjective
following one after the other without interruption . All aircraft remained grounded for three successive days because of fog. . A day is the period between successive transits of a merid-ian by the sun.
such /st./ adjective 1. of this kind .
An example of such a chart is shown on page 3. 2. of a large enough extent or amount . The height of the cabin floor to the ground on large jet transports is such that serious injuries can occur by exiting through the doors when steps or ramps are not available.
suction /sk..n/ noun a force that causes a fluid or solid to be drawn into a space because of the difference between the external and internal pres-sures . In a fuel injection system, fuel is induced into the inlet port or combus-tion chamber by a pump rather than the suction caused by the venturi of a car-burettor.
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