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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

something that is carried in the aircraft . fuel load . passenger load the number of passengers on board 4. the power output of a generator or power plant 5. the resistance of a device or of a line to which electrical power is pro-vided . verb 1. to put something into a container, often for the purpose of transportation . The aircraft is loaded with fuel before take-off. 2. to transfer data from disk into a computer main memory . She loaded the software onto the computer.
load-bearing structure /l.υd be.r.. strkt../ noun a structure which supports the weight of the air-craft in flight or on the ground
load controller /l.υd k.ntr.υl./
noun a device which monitors the out-put of a generator
load factor /l.υd fkt./ noun the
stress applied to a structure as a multi-ple of stress applied in 1g flight . The higher the angle of bank, the greater the load factor.
COMMENT: In straight and level, unaccelerated flight, the load factor is
1. When an aircraft turns or pulls up out of a dive, the load factor increases. An aircraft in a level turn at a bank angle of 60 degrees has a load factor of 2. In such a turn, the aircraft’s structure must support twice the aircraft’s weight.

loading /l.υd../ noun 1. the act or process of adding a load to an aircraft . loading is in progress passengers, bag-gage, freight, etc., are being put on the aircraft 2. the total aircraft weight or mass divided by wing area . Inertia switches operate automatically when a particular g (acceleration due to Earth’s gravity) loading occurs. 3. a force or stress acting on an object . cen-trifugal loading centrifugal force act-ing on something . Centrifugal loading

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moves the valve towards the closed position. 4. the act of transferring data from disk to memory . Loading can be a long process.
loading bridge /l.υd.. br.d/ noun
a covered walkway from an airport departure gate that connects to the door of an aircraft, used by passengers and crew getting on and off the aircraft
load manifest /l.υd mn.fest/
noun a detailed list of the cargo on a flight. Also called load sheet
loadmaster /l.υdmɑst./ noun the
person who is in charge of the work of loading cargo onto a military or com-mercial transport aircraft
load sheet /l.υd .it/ noun same as load manifest
lobe /l.υb/ noun one of two, four or more sub-beams that form a directional radar beam . Any system employing beam sharpening is vulnerable to side lobe generation at the transmitter.
LOC abbreviation localiser
local /l.υk(.)l/ adjective not broad or widespread . local meteorological conditions weather conditions in the restricted area of a particular place
local authority /l.υk(.)l .θ.r.ti/
noun a government body responsible for the various services of an area
localised /l.υk.la.zd/, localized

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