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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

velocity /v.l.s.ti/ noun the rate of change of position in a given direction which is composed of both speed and direction . wind velocity . The anemo-graph gives a continuous recording of wind velocity which is displayed on a chart and reveals gusts, squalls and lulls. . triangle
vent /vent/ noun a hole serving as an inlet or outlet for a fluid, usually a gas such as air . During the pre-flight inspection, check that the fuel tank vent pipe is not blocked. . The vent/pressur-isation system must allow for the pas-sage of air whenever a fuel tank is refu-elled or defuelled or the aircraft climbs or descends.
ventilate /vent.le.t/ verb to cause air to pass in and out freely . The water separator is installed downstream of the cold air unit to extract a percentage of free moisture from the air, which sub-sequently ventilates and pressurises the cabin.
ventilation /vent.le..(.)n/ noun
free circulation of air in and out . A constant supply of air for ventilation purposes is always available from the air conditioning system.
venturi /ventjυ.ri/, venturi tube
noun a tube which narrows at the cen-tre, a choke tube . When the tempera-ture of the air passing through the car-burettor is reduced below O°C (Celsius), any moisture in the air forms

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into ice and builds up on the venturi and throttle valve.
verification /ver.f.ke..(.)n/ noun
an act or instance of establishing the truth or validity of something . The document required verification.
versus /vs.s/ preposition against, as compared with . The diagram illus-trates typical strength properties by plotting applied stress versus resulting strain.
vertical /vt.k(.)l/ adjective at right angles to the Earth’s surface or to another line or plane . Beams can be additionally stiffened in a downward direction by vertical and diagonal members. . Height is defined as the ver-tical distance of a level, point or object, considered to be a point, from a speci-fied datum. . noun a vertical line or plane . The hot rod ice detector head consists of an aluminium alloy oblong base on which is mounted a steel tube detector mast, angled back to approxi-mately 30° from the vertical.
vertical axis /vt.k(.)l ks.s/ noun 1. an imaginary line running through the fuselage at the centre of gravity from top to bottom, around which the aircraft rotates when it yaws
. The rudder is a control surface on the fin which rotates the aircraft about its vertical axis to produce yaw. . yaw 2. a vertical reference line (Y axis) of a graph . The vertical axis shows engine power available.
vertically /vt.k(.)li/ adverb in a vertical position . The aircraft pitched up vertically.

vertical speed indicator
/vt.k(.)l spid .nd.ke.t./ noun a flight instrument which indicates the rate of climb and descent. Abbreviation

VSI vertical stabiliser /vt.k(.)l
ste.b.la.z./ noun same as fin
very high frequency /veri ha. frikw.nsi/, very high frequency band /veri ha. frikw.nsi bnd/

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