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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

reception /r.sep..n/ noun an act or instance of receiving radio signals .
The antenna is highly directive in trans-mission and reception.
reciprocal /r.s.pr.k(.)l/ adjective .
reciprocal heading an opposite head-ing, 180° from a given heading . The reciprocal heading of 090° is 270°. . noun the exactly opposite direction . A
wave transmitted vertically returns to Earth on its reciprocal.
reciprocating /r.s.pr.ke.t../
adjective moving backwards and for-wards or up and down
recognise /rek.na.z/, recognize
verb to identify, or to know to be some-thing that has been seen, heard, etc. before . It may be difficult to recognise a particular stretch of coastline simply by its appearance.
recognition /rek.n..(.)n/ noun
the process of seeing or hearing some-thing or somebody and knowing what it is or who he or she is . Hydraulic fluids are coloured for recognition purposes.
recommend /rek.mend/ verb to
say that something is worthy, desirable or suitable . Dry chemical extinguish-ers are recommended for use on aircraft brake fires. . Aircraft should be oper-ated to the manufacturers recom-mended limits.
record noun /rek.d/ 1. a written account of facts and information for future reference 2. a set of electroni-cally stored data . verb /r.k.d/ 1. to write down something such as informa-tion or data . Measure track angles and distances and record them in a log. 2. to capture and store electronically .
Details of wind speed, direction, visibil-ity and cloud cover are recorded onto a cassette.
recorder /r.k.d./ noun a device for capturing sound onto cassette or mag-netic tape . cockpit voice recorder
recording /r.k.d../ noun the act of writing or of picking up and storing information . An anemograph is an instrument which maintains a continu-ous recording of wind direction and speed on a graph.
recover /r.kv./ verb 1. to return to an earlier, normal condition or attitude
. recover from a stall to return the air-


189 refer
craft to straight and level flight 2. to res-cue and remove from a particular area, often the sea . Emergency services recovered two bodies from the wreckage of the helicopter.
recovery /r.kv(.)ri/ noun 1. a
return to an earlier, normal condition or attitude . recovery from unusual atti-tudes a flight exercise requiring the stu-dent pilot to return the aircraft to its pre-vious, normal, that is, straight and level attitude, after it has been in an unusual attitude 2. rescue and removal from a particular area . The recovery of survi-vors from the sea was carried out by helicopters.
rectangle /rekt..l/ noun a 4-sided plane figure with 4 right angles, and with opposite sides of equal length
. The colour identification of refuelling equipment for AVGAS is: blue rectan-gle, red decal with AVGAS 100LL in white letters.
rectangular /rekt.jυl./ adjec-tive referring to something with the shape of a rectangle . a rectangular wing panel

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