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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 下

时间:2011-02-23 15:20来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

throttle lever /θr.t(.)l liv./ noun
a device operating the throttle valve .
233 tire
When starting an engine, it is inadvisa-ble to pump the throttle lever because of the risk of fire.


throttle quadrant /θr.t(.)l
kw.dr.nt/ noun an arc-shaped device in which the throttle levers move

throttle setting /θr.t(.)l set../
noun the particular position of the throt-tle which gives a required revolutions per minute or power
throttle valve /θr.t(.)l vlv/ noun
a device controlling the flow of fuel in an engine
throughout /θruaυt/ adverb from
the beginning to the end of a time or place . Emergency lighting is provided throughout the cabin. . Heavy snow fell throughout the night. . throughout the life of the aircraft during the entire life of the aircraft . throughout the world all over the world . throughout the year from January 1st to December 31st
thrust /θrst/ noun a force produced by a propeller, jet or rocket . A propel-ler is a means of converting engine power into a propulsive force known as thrust. . In order for the aircraft to increase speed, thrust must overcome drag. . reversal, reverser . verb to push suddenly with force . A nozzle is an opening at the rear of a jet engine through which exhaust gases are thrust.
(NOTE: thrusting – thrust) thrust horsepower /θrst h.spaυ./ noun the amount of horse-
power of an engine that is transformed into thrust. Abbreviation THP thrust reversal /θrst r.vs.l/
noun setting of throttle levers to provide thrust in the opposite direction to decel-erate the aircraft after landing
thunder /θnd./ noun the noise cre-ated by the violent expansion and con-traction of air momentarily heated by a lightning discharge . Thunder immedi-ately following the flash of lightning usually indicates that the storm is over-head.
thunderstorm /θnd.st.m/ noun
a violent weather condition in which wind speeds increase, rain or hail falls and there is lightning activity . Thun-
derstorms occur in well-developed cumulonimbus clouds. . The process of formation, development and decay of a thunderstorm.

thunderstorm activity
/θnd.st.m kt.v.ti/ noun the occurrence of weather conditions asso-ciated with thunderstorms, such as rain, thunder, wind or lightning
thus /es/ adverb 1. in this way . This device fits with the other thus. 2. there-fore, as a result . The glide slope and localiser beam signals control the air-craft about the pitch and roll axes, thus maintaining alignment with the runway.
. Anti-skid braking systems are designed to prevent the brakes locking the wheels during landing, thus reduc-ing the possibility of wheel skid.
tie /ta./ noun a basic structural member which is designed to withstand mainly tensile loads . Diagonal ties can be used to relieve tension and increase the effectiveness of the top boom.

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