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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

§ 382.155 承运人应该如何回复书面投诉?
(a) As a carrier providing scheduled service, or a carrier providing nonscheduled service using aircraft with 19 or more passenger seats, you must respond to written complaints received by any means (e.g., letter, fax, e-mail, electronic instant message) concerning matters covered by this Part.
 提供定期航班服务的承运人,或提供不定期航班但营运19个或以上座位的飞机的承运人,必须对通过各种方式 (如信件 、传真 、电子邮件 、 短信 等)收到 的本法规涉及内容相关的书面投诉做出回复 。
 As a passenger making a written complaint, you must state whether you had contacted a CRO in the matter, provide the name of the CRO and the date of the contact, if available, and enclose any written response you received from the CRO.
(b) 旅客写书 面投诉时 ,必须 说明 是否联系了相关的投诉处理人,提供投诉处理人的姓名和联系的日期 。如有可能 ,附上收到的投诉处理人的回复。
(c) As a carrier, you are not required to respond to a complaint postmarked or transmitted more than 45 days after the date of the incident, except for complaints referred to you by the Department of Transportation.
(c) 不要求承运人对邮戳或传送显示日期超过事件发生 45天的投诉做出回复 ,交通部特别要求的除外。
(d) As a carrier, you must make a dispositive written response
The response must specifically admit or deny that a violation of this Part has occurred.
(d) 承运人必须在收到残疾相关投诉30天内做出书面处理回复。回复必须明确承认或否认是否违反本法规。
(1) If you admit that a violation has occurred, you must provide to the complainant a written statement setting forth a summary of the facts and the steps, if any, you will take in response to the violation.
 如果承认违规行为 ,则必须 提供一份对投诉 回复的书面声明 , 包 括 总结 事件 以 及 承运人将要采取的 违规处理措施 (如果有 )。
 If you deny that a violation has occurred, your response must include a summary of the facts and your reasons, under this Part, for the determination.
(2) 如果否认 违规行为 ,回复必须 包括 总结事件以及说明根据本法规做出这一决定 的事实和原因 。
(3) Your response must also inform the complainant of his or her right to pursue DOT enforcement action under this Part.
(3) 回复后 必须告知投诉人有权根据本法规向交通部申请采取执法行动。
§382.157 What are carriers’obligations for recordkeeping and reporting on disabilityrelated complaints?
§ 382.157 承运人在 保存记录和报告残疾 旅客相关投诉方面有哪些 责任?
(a) For the purposes of this section, a disability -related complaint means a specific written expression of dissatisfaction received from, or submitted on behalf, of an individual with a disability concerning a difficulty associated with the person's disability, which the person
experienced when using or attempting to use an air carrier's or foreign carrier's services.
 在本节中 ,残疾相关投诉指残疾人或其代表发出或提交的表示不满的书面声明 ,表述内容与残疾人在使用或试图使用承运人或外国承运人服务时遇到的 与残疾相 关的困难 。
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