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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 If a passenger with a disability specified in §382.81 does not make a request at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the flight, you must meet the passenger's request to the extent practicable, but you are not required to reassign a seat assigned to another passenger in order to do so.
(iii)如果符合§ 382.81标准的残疾旅客没有在航班起飞24小时之前提出后请求,承运人必须根据实际情况尽量提供 ,但不要求为此将已经安排给其他旅客的位置重新安排给该残疾旅客。
(2) You may designate an adequate number of the seats used to provide seating accommodations required by §382.81 as "priority seats" for passengers with a disability.
(2) 承运人可以安排足够数量的座位提供 §382.81规定的座位安排 ,以作为残疾旅客的 “优先座位”。
(i) You must provide notice that all passengers assigned these seats (other than passengers with a disability listed in § 3 8 2 . 8 1 of this Part) are subject to being reassigned to another seat if necessary to provide a seating accommodation required by this section.
 承运人必须通知所有预订座位的旅客 (不包括 §382.81中列举的旅客), 在需要提供本节要求的座位安排时 ,这些座位可能会被重新安排。
 You may provide this notice through your computer reservation system, verbal information provided by reservation personnel, ticket notices, gate announcements, counter signs, seat cards or notices, frequent-flier literature, or other appropriate means.
(ii) 可以通过电脑订座系统,售票人员的口头通知,票面通知,登机门广播 ,柜台标识,登机牌,常旅客宣传资料或其它合适的方法进行这样的通知 。
(iii) You must assign a seat meeting the requirements of this section to a passenger with a disability listed in §382.81 of this Part who requests the accommodation at the time the passenger makes the request. You may require such a passenger to check in and request the seating accommodation at least one hour before the standard check-in time for the flight. If all designated priority seats that would accommodate the passenger have been assigned to other passengers, you must reassign the seats of the other passengers as needed to provide the requested accommodation.
(iii) 承运人必须 在符合 §382.81规定的旅客提出要求时为其安排座位。可以要求该旅客 比航班标准登记 时间提前一小时 (办理乘机手续 )和调整座位。如果所有的优先座位都有安排,则需重新安排其它旅客的座位以提供残疾旅客要求的座位安排。
(iv) If a passenger with a disability listed in §382.81 does not check in at least an hour before the standard check-in time for the general public, you must meet the individual's request to the extent practicable, but you are not required to reassign a seat assigned to another passenger in order to do so.
(iv) 如果符合 §382.81规定的旅客没有比一般旅客提前一小时登记和调整座位,承运人应该根据实际情况尽可能安排,但不要求为此将已经安排给其他旅客的位置重新安排给该残疾旅客。
(b) If you assign seats to passengers, but not until the date
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本文链接地址:美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act