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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 如果一名残疾人旅客按照本节要求提前 了通知承运人且该旅客被迫改乘下一趟航班 (如由于航班取消 ), 承运人必须尽最大可能 ,在新航班上为其提供安排 。如果新航班是另一个承运人的 ,则原承运人 必须 提供最大的协助帮另一家承运人为旅客提供其要求的服务和安排 。
 If a passenger does not meet advance notice or check-in requirements you establish consistent with this section, you must still provide the service or accommodation if you can do so by making reasonable efforts, without delaying the flight.
(g) 如果旅客没有符合承运人按本节规定的提前通知或登机的要求,承运人也应该在不延误航班的情况下尽力提供旅客所需的服务或安排。
§382.29 May a carrier require a passenger with a disability to travel with a safety assistant?
§ 382.29 承运人能否要求残疾人旅客在飞行时有一名安全陪同?
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, you must not require that a passenger with a disability travel with another person as a condition of being provided air transportation.
 除本段 (b)列出的情况外 ,承运人不能以此作为残疾人旅客登机条件 。
 You may require a passenger with a disability in one of the
condition of being provided air transportation, if you determine that a safety assistant is essential for safety:
(b) 如果认为安全陪同对旅客安全至关重要,承运人可以要求属于以下类别的残疾人旅客有一位安全陪同 ,并以此为提供运输的条件 :
(1) A passenger traveling in a stretcher or incubator. The safety assistant for such a person must be capable of attending to the passenger's in-flight medical needs;
 使用担架或使用保温箱运送婴儿的旅客。安全陪同 人应该能够照顾旅客在机上的医疗需求 ;
 A passenger who, because of a mental disability, is unable to comprehend or respond appropriately to safety instructions from carrier personnel, including the safety briefing required by 14 CFR 121.571(a)(3) and (a)(4) or 14 CFR 135.117(b) or the safety regulations of a foreign carrier’s government, as applicable;
(2) 由于精神障碍而无法理解承运人的安全指示的旅客,包括14 CFR 121.571(a)(3) 和(a)(4) or 14 CFR 135.117(b) A 要求的安全告知 ,或外国承运人所属政府的安全规定 (如适用);
(3) A passenger with a mobility impairment so severe that the person is unable to physically assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft;
(3) 移动障碍严重,不能自助撤离飞机的旅客;
(4) A passenger who has both severe hearing and severe vision impairments, if the passenger cannot establish some means of communication with carrier personnel that is adequate both to permit transmission of the safety briefing required by 14 CFR
121.57(a)(3) and (a)(4), 14 CFR 135,117(b) or the safety regulations of a foreign carrier’s government, as applicable, and to enable the passenger to assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft in the event of an emergency. You may require a passenger with severe hearing and vision impairment who wishes to travel without a safety assistant to notify you at least 48 hours in advance to provide this explanation. If the passenger fails to meet this notice requirement, however, you must still accommodate him or her to the extent practicable.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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