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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 It is not a defense against an enforcement action by the
Department under this Part that your noncompliance resulted from action or inaction by a contractor.
(e) 承包商的作为或不作为引起的不遵守不能成为阻止交通部执法行动的理由。
§382.17 May carriers limit the number of passengers with a disability on a flight?
§ 382.17 承运人可以限制一个航班上的残疾旅客数量 吗?
As a carrier, you must not limit the number of passengers with a disability who travel on a flight.(See also §382.27(c)(6) of this Part.)
不可以 。(见§ 382.27(b)(6) 规定)
§382.19 May carriers refuse to provide transportation on the basis of disability?
§ 382.19 承运人能否以残疾为理由拒绝为 残疾人 旅客提供运输服务 ?
(a) As a carrier, you must not refuse to provide transportation to a passenger with a disability on the basis of his or her disability, except as specifically permitted by this Part.
 不能 ,除本规定有特殊说明的除外 。
 You must not refuse to provide transportation to a passenger
with a disability because the person's disability results in
appearance or involuntary behavior that may offend, annoy, or
(c) You may refuse to provide transportation to any passenger on the basis of safety, as provided in 49 U.S.C. 44902 or 14 CFR 121.533, or to any passenger whose carriage would violate FAA or TSA requirements or applicable requirements of a foreign government.
(c) 可以根据U.S.C.44902或14 CFR 121.53349规定的安全原因拒绝对旅客提供运输服务 ,或是拒绝运输任何违反 FAA或TSA条例 或外国政府适用 的法 规 的 旅 客。
(1) You can determine that there is a disability-related safety basis for refusing to provide transportation to a passenger with a disability if you are able to demonstrate that the passenger poses a direct threat (see definition in §382.3). In determining whether an individual poses a direct threat, you must make an individualized assessment, based on reasonable judgment that relies on current medical knowledge or on the best available objective evidence, to ascertain:
(1) 如果可以证实旅客构成直接威胁 (见§ 382.3定义),承运人 可以 因相 关残疾 (危及 )安全为由拒绝提供运输。要确定一个人是否构成直接威胁,承运人 需要对其进行个别评估,依靠医学最易获得的客观证据作出合理 判 断 ,以确认 :
(i) the nature, duration, and severity of the risk;
 风险的性质 、期限和严重性 ;
 the probability that the potential harm to the health and safety of others will actually occur; and
(ii) 对其他旅客健康和安全潜在危害发生的可能性 ;以及
(iii) whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices,
or procedures will mitigate the risk.
(iii) 是否可以通过合理的修改政策 、惯例或程序减轻风险。
(2) If you determine that the passenger does pose a direct threat, you mus t select the least restrictive response from the point of view of the passenger, consistent with protecting the health and safety of others. For example, you must not refuse transportation to the passenger if you can protect the health and safety of others by means short of a refusal.
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本文链接地址:美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act