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美国ACAA第382条款中英文对照 Air Carrier Access Act

时间:2011-09-14 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

 如果确定旅客确实构成直接威胁,应该从旅客的角度选择限制最小、同 时 也 符 合保 护 其 他 旅 客健康 和 安全的 解 决 方 案 ,同时也符合保护其他旅客健康和安全的要求 。例如 ,如果对 (残疾旅客 )的一些限制 也可以保护其他旅客健康和安全,就不应该拒绝运输该旅客。
 In exercising this authority, you must not act inconsistently with the provisions of this Part.
(3) 在实施权利时,不能违背本规定条款要求。
(4) If your actions are inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Part, you are subject to enforcement action under Subpart K of this Part.
(4) 如果承运人行动与本规定条例不一致,交通部会根据K部分规定实施执法行动。
(d) If you refuse to provide transportation to a passenger on his or her originally-scheduled flight on a basis relating to the individual’s disability, you must provide to the person a written statement of the reason for the refusal. This
statement must include the specific basis for the carrier's opinion that the refusal meets the standards of paragraph (c)
of this section or is otherwise specifically permitted by this Part. You must provide this written statement to the person within 10 calendar days of the refusal of transportation.
(d)如果因残疾原因拒绝为旅客提供原定航程 ,承运人必须 提供一份书面声明 ,解释拒绝原因 。声明应该指出承运人意见符合本节 (c)条的标准 , 或 是 在 本 规 定 中 有 特 别 说 明 。应该在拒绝运输 10天内向被拒旅客提供这份书面声明 。
§382.21 May carriers limit access to transportation on the basis that a passenger has a communicable disease or other medical condition?
§ 382.21 承运人是否可以以旅客有传染性疾病或其它疾病为由限制运输条件?
(a) You must not do any of the following things on the basis that a passenger has a communicable disease or infection, unless you determine that the passenger’s condition poses a direct threat:
(a) 除非能确定旅客的身体状况构成直接威胁 ,承运人不得对有传染病的旅客做出以下行为 :
(1) Refuse to provide transportation to the passenger;
 Delay the passenger ’s transportation (e.g., require the passenger to take a later flight);
(2) 延迟旅客运输 (如要求旅客乘坐下一趟航班 );
(3) Impose on the passenger any condition, restriction, or requirement not imposed on other passengers; or
(3) 对残疾旅客强加其他旅客没有的任何条件、限制或要求;或是
(4) Require the passenger to provide a medical certificate.
(4) 要求旅客提供健康证明。
(b) In assessing whether the passenger ’s condition poses a
direct threat, you must apply the provisions of § 3 8 2 . 1 9 (c) ( 1 )-(2) of this subpart.
(b) 评估旅客健康状况是否构成直接威胁,应该适用 § 3 8 2 . 1 9 (c) ( 1 ) –(2)的条款 。
 In making this assessment, you may rely on directives issued by public health authorities (e.g., the U.S. Centers for Disease Control or Public Health Service; comparable agencies in other countries; the World Health Organization).
(1)评估应该依靠公共卫生主管机构 (美国疾病控制中心或公共卫生服务 ; 其 它 国家 的 对 应 机 构 ;世界卫生组织 )发布的指令。
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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